Part 2

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I was temporary distracted, Professor Grande just threw me a curve ball, she was playing with me and she knew it and from the look on her face she was enjoying it too.

"Um sorry" I questioned confused.

"Oh there's nothing to apologise for, I read from your application that you enjoy bird watching, so why don't you tell the class your full name and a bit about your hobby. Maybe a bit about your favourite bird?" she narrowed her eyes and her tongue came out to wet her lips.

She was fucking with me, Grande style.

She had not read my file, she didn't even know my name but she was calling my bluff. My application said jack shit about bird watching and she knew it, she just wanted to torture me. She was a sick individual, that was unfortunately wrapped in a hot ass meat suit.

I would forgive the sadistic behaviour she was putting me through now for one kiss of those lips. And I would probably strangle a man barehanded for the opportunity to take her to bed. But right now, she was enjoying this and I was in a bind.

I stood up and placed my nervous hands in my pocket and bounced slightly on my feet, this made my hips slightly push forward and I am sure I just caught Professor Grande checking me out.

"Uh hello everyone" I looked around "I am Y/F/N" why did this suddenly feel like an AA meeting.

"I am a singer-songwriter and I have been dabbling with rapping lately, I am from the UK and I recently moved here and I've already fallen in love" my eyes met Professor Grande's "with New York" I finished.

"I am 21 years old and I like long walks on the beach and short walks to the fridge" this earned me a laugh from my peers.


I started to sit back down.

"ugh and your hobbies, I am sure everyone will be fascinated by your hobby, it is quite" she titled her head while her two hands went behind her on the desk and her hips jutted out "different"

What I wouldn't give to fuck her in that position.

I felt my dick twitch in my jeans.

But she wasn't letting this bird crap go.

"Ugh what about it.. I don't want to bore anyone" I stood back up being respectful when speaking to her.

"Well tell us your favourite bird". I'm sure she just rolled the 'r' in her mouth.

Shit, fuck, damn.

"Um duck" this caused giggles.

I felt Adrienne whisper "What the fuck is going on" I looked at her with a 'I don't fucking know look' thank Jesus she could read my emotions.

"A duck" Professor Grande repeated. "Why?"

I was dying to say 'because it rhymes with fuck and that's my favourite thing also' but I held myself back. Willing to accept this challenge.

"Because they are awesome, I mean, they are 'quakers' I lifted my hand in a duh moment, and there are so many famous ducks" I started counting them on my fingers.

"Donald duck, daffy duck, Huey, Dewey and Louie" I thought I was finished till someone shouted from the back "don't forget Daisy".

I looked at them "thank you" I looked back at Professor Grande, "and Daisy, can't forget that hottie" there was more laughing and I could see Professor Grande struggling not to laugh.

"But that's all well and good Ms Y/L/N but what about the actual history of ducks, I am sure a avid bird watcher like you would know about their heritage and where they came from?" she crossed her arms. She just wanted to embarrass me.

Professor Grande Ariana/YouWhere stories live. Discover now