I mean it could've been a lot worse, they could've been disgusted and have every poor person beheaded or hanged for even being associated with the rich but most people treat everyone with respect and normality.

"Oh, nonsense! We're every bit as good as the Northwest's." Stell said with a confidence that Dipper will always lack.

"So Dip-dop, you excited to meet the soon to be Archduke?" Maxwell wiggled her eyebrows attempting to bring a lighter mood.

"I've never even spoken to him and now in a few hours I'll be married to him." Dipper rolled her eyes at her shitty situation and huffed out her sentence hoping to get Maxwell off her back,

"Good that's one thing we have in our favor." There's the good new bitchy Ford. Still as salty and bitter as goddamn ever.

"Wendell silence that blasted coughing." Ford had yelled up to the poor red head that drove the carriage.

It wasn't Wendell's fault that he was forced to breathe such horrible air in his family's home before moving into the Pines manor. Wendell's home was full for black mold and axe debris.

Dipper heard Wendell's voice speak again,

"We're here." And every Pines stepped out of the carriage, Ford fixing Dipper's hair making sure she didn't look like a disgrace in front of the Northwest's.

A woman answered the door, a big fake smile plastered onto her botox-ed face. Her lips were a pale neutral pink and her hair a sandy brown styled straight down. Her pale blue orbs were dead, like there was no life held within them, not anymore.

"Ah the Pines, come in." She ushered them in with that same eerie smile plastered onto her face, it was so sugary sweet that it cause Dipper to cringe.

"Now, let's discuss our little arrangement." Dipper knew that their 'little arrangement' was that Dipper would provide the Northwest's wealth and Pacific would benefit the Pines by giving them the status above that of a grouping of higher up merchants.

Dipper honestly thought it was disgusting in honesty, but since her family would benefit more from their deal, she decided not to say anything.

As Maisie heard the sounds of her heels clicking along with the other three women all in a disorganized manner, Mrs. Northwest walked past a large stair case and Dipper couldn't contain her curious nature of what the rest of the home looks like.

With a stop, Maisie let everyone go on without her, not interested of hearing things she already knows.

Mocha eyes shined with excitement as pale hands grip the railing of the expensive marble stairs. Step after step taken with such care and per-caution, the marble caused her heels to be the predominant sound that echoed of the empty walls.

Once dipper reached the top of the stairs, the bottom of her foot hitting a soft shaggy surface and she smiled looking back to see that no one had heard her reach the top of the stairs quietly.

With that she took off, excitement rushing through her veins of exploring a new place, especially since Ford never let Dipper outside anymore afraid that she might get 'dirty'

Dipper silently wondered the halls each more eerie than the last, one hallway was just full of bizarre art and the one she was currently in had family pictures.

The thing Dipper noticed was they were just family portraits and they were massive, about the size of the family's ego. But Pacific, he was one of the portraits, it was the most smallest portrait she had ever seen.

The picture itself was about the size of her entire hand, hidden away between the others, like his parents were ashamed of him.

Maisie let her fingertips touch the delicate glass that held the painting behind it, her nails touching his face. She understood what it was like, being the embarrassment of the family, the one everybody forgot about.

Maybe, just maybe she could learn to like him or build a higher level with him than strangers.

Before she could part her lips to gasp due to her corset, Maisie was noticed to be missing from the rest of the pines.

"DIPPER! Where are you?! We have to get ready for the wedding!" Great Dipper thought, another outfit, just when this gown just wasn't enough they have to stuff her in another one.

With a sigh, Maisie parted her fingers from the framed picture and ran a solitary knuckle down his cheek like a tear.

"Well, I'll see you soon enough."

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