The Truth

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Naruto and Shikamaru were on the office investigate the culprit who cheated in the Genin exam


I really curious about what Mitsuki said to me about the handwritting . If i look closer to it , i suddenly realized that it wasn't Boruto's handwritting.  But since there is no evidence about that , i can't assume that it wasn't Boruto's work .

" Shikamaru , do you know who's handwriting is it ?"

" Hmm.... let me check . Wait! i kinda familiar with this handwriting , Ohhh i know ... !"

" who ?"

" well......"

" Who Shikamaru , i don't ask you to mumbling "

" I know the culprit , i will tell Shino now "

And then Shikamaru left the office , leaving me alone in the office . I was wondering whose handwritting is it .


I know whose handwriting is it , i still can't believe that he will do that. He used an inappropriate way to take down his rival. What a terrible person is him .And then i entered the class and i asked Shino to bring that culprit for a moment .

" Shino , can i bring him for a moment ?"

" Yeah okay , i will call him "

" you too come with me"

" Okay "

Naruto :

When i were still investigating the handwritting , Shikamaru and Shino come to my room 

" WHat's wrong Shikamaru , Shino ?

" Here i bring that culprit , show yourself now and come in " Said Shikamaru

ANd then when that culprit entered my room , i'm surprized that the culprit is


I yelled at that time , i didn'r expect that his son will do that for Boruto , I know that he is Boruto's Best Friend , How could he do that .

" Oyaji ! ( Father ) i dont know anything " Said Shikadai

" Be a gentleman SHikadai ! A man will never lie ! " Said Shikamaru

" Shikadai , can you explain it all in front of us ?" Said SHino

" Alright alright , i'm the culprit behind this "


" actually ....


Flashback night before the exams .....

" i have to  beat Boruto no matter what but how ? our knowleadge is kinda same and its hard to beat him . if i get higher score than  him , i really want tell him that i can beat him . So he will stop to act like he is a superior. Hmm i have an idea , i will make everyone blame him that he is a cheater.

D-Day exams

" Hey Boruto , lets have a challenge , who got the highest Score is the winner "

" Okey ! i accept it "

Before i left his table , i place a piece of paper that contains a lot of formula mathematics and Ninjutsu there , in his bags but i dont know that the paper will fall maybe  after the exams finished , he  rushed to go home and unconciously dropped the paper in the floor in classroom .

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