The Next Hokage

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After we arrived home , as usual we have a dinner and in that time dad told mom , 

" Hinata , i will hold a meeting with Kakashi Sensei about Nanadaime (7th) Hokage so i will be out until evening "

 While KAkashi and NAruto speaking this evening 

" Naruto, don't shout okay ?"

 " okay ! so tell me now "

 " You will become nanadaime Hokage , Sasuke gave up for being Hokage so he said that you more deserved to become Hokage "

" Really Kakashi sensei ? " 

" yes but tomorrow you have to come to the Hokage office , we will held a meeting" 

" Okay Kakashi-sensei thank you , Now i have to go home . Boruto is waiting for me now "

 " Okay NAruto , bye !" 

End of the flashback 


i yelled happily to my dad because i know that his dream is becoming Hokage in Konoha

 " Yes Boruto , Are you happy ?"exclaimed dad as he smiled at me

 " Naruto-kun finally your biggest dream come true , I'm so proud of you babe !" Smiled MOm

 " mom , what is Hokage ?" asked Himawari curiously 

 " Hokage is a headman in Konoha that will lead our village , and then dad will become that headman" explained MOm

" Wha papa ! you are so awsome !" babbled Himawari 

 " Thank you Himawari -chan ! PApa will do my best " said Dad

 After we talked about Hokage , i nearly forget that i have to told mom that i will also out for training

 " Kaa-chan , i will out for training with Sarada and Mitsuki tomorrow " 

" Okay Boruto , but don't come home late okay ?" said MOm after we finished our dinner and washed our dishes, suddenly someone knocked the door and then when i opened it . 

" KOnohamaru nii-chan ?" i shouted at him because i'm surprise he come to our house 

anyway i will explaind a little bit of him Sarutobi Konohamaru , he is my teacher or sensei in academy , he also my dad's former student and the Sandaime(3th) grandson . Tou-chan told me that after he marry my mother , Konohamaru nii-chan helped him a lot and then he become his student since that . He learnt Rasenggan from my dad and then i usually call him Nii-chan ( Big bro ) because we always play together since i was a child and i concidering him as my big brother even though we were not blood related . " 

 " Ohh Hi Boruto !! is Naruto nii-chan homed ?" 

" Yes , i will call him " after i shout to call him , he finally come to me 


After i heard Boruto called my name , i rush to the door and then saw Konohamaru there " Oh Konohamaru ! what's the matter ?"

 " Ah Nii-chan , can we go out for a while ?"

 " OKay Konohamaru , Boruto tell your mom that i'm out with Konohamaru okay !" 

" OKay Tou-chan!" he nodded and then i go with Konohamaru 

Konohamaru leads me to the Ichiraku and then we have a little talk there. We orderes Miso CHasiu Ramen large . Actually i'm still starving since Hinata's Food is not really satisfy my tummy. 

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