My Super Daddy

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its already 8 AM and then i have to wake up , i saw Boruto still sleeping with his innocent face and he is kinda cute . but now i have to hurry cuz i have to hold the meeting with Kakashi-sensei. 

" I'm sorry Boruto , but i have to go now " 

i whisper in his ears and then kiss his forehead and say " Love you baby !" 

 " NAruto-kun eat this food before you go !" said Hinata 

" i'm sorry Hinata but i can't cuz i don't have much time here"

 after that , i rush into the bathroom to clean myself , changed my clothes and then head to the Hokage office as fast as possible and unfortunately i'm late. i saw Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke there .

 In the Office 

" you were late Naruto ! " scolded Kakashi sensei 

" hehehe i'm sorry Rokudaime sensei !anyway why Sasuke here ?"

 " I want to tell you something dobe !" Said Sasuke " WHat is it ?"

 " i'm resign to be the candidate of the next Hokage , not because i'm surrender but i realize that i have to know more about this world outside Konoha and then i will be your intelligent to give you information about city outside Konoha " Explained him

" Thats why you will be the Nanadaime Hokage " said Kakashi-sensei 

" Thanks Sasuke i will do my job well and you should be carefull Sasuke" Gushed me and then Hug Sasuke tightly 

 " Oii oii i understand now release this hug !" Said Sasuke as he release my hug 

 " Sasuke , i may kiss you because i'm so happy" 

 " Oi stop it ! i better go now , see you Kakashi , Nanadaime " 

 soon Sasuke Left the room

 " alright NAruto , tell your family that the inaguration day will be tomorrow ! please don't come late or i change Konohamaru as the Nanadaime Hokage " He glared at me with his scary face

Kakashi Sensei glared me with his scary face

" alright alright ! KAkashi sensei don't scare me !"

 " now follow me ! we will take your Hokage Haori " 

Kakashi sensei  guide me to the house far from hokage tower , kakashi sensei said that the old woman called Yoko has sewed the Hokage Haori since the first Hokage era. Meanwhile Boruto 


 I 'm cooking breakfast for Boruto and Himawari but suddenly someone knocked the door and then when i head to the door

 " good morning miss Hinata, is Boruto here ?" " 

 Its sarada and mitsuki come to our house 

 " ohh Morning Sarada-chan, Boruto is still sleeping there in the living room , but if you don't mind may you awake him ?" 

" of course Miss Hinata , i will awake him" said Mitsuki 

 " thank you Mitsuki-kun , sarada chan , now come in "

 Sarada :

 Me and Mitsuki decided to come to his house because he hasn't texted me in SNS . What a troblesome , he still sleeping and snoring .

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