"AIR DRIVE!" Paulie hauls him over to the opposite side of where he was formerly standing at. Franky roared in disagreement. Luffy crashes into a sea of wood.

"I told you guys not to butt into my fight!" 

Rob loaded his guns, Kaku took out scrapers from his pockets and lined them into his hands. Sliding them each into each crevice. Wait- Rob's bullets were armamented.

"Stop, you're all acting like immature men!" I said, clearly trying to make my point out to them. Fighting wasn't going to solve at this stage.

All their heads roll to me.

"Stay out of this, a lady shouldn't be out here," Paulie grunts, while Rob shoots. I scoff walking over to Rob. I took a hold of the nozzle of the gun.

"Then why am I going to do this?" I crushed the gun using a minimum amount of Haki. "Not very ladylike isn't it?" I turned to Paulie. His eyebrow was twitching.

"Argh!" my head flicks to Luffy falling from the bullets. Rob drops the useless gun and fishes another out of his gun hold.

"I SAID HE'S MINE!!" grunted Franky from behind, biffing the buffest guy away from hitting Luffy. rolling my eyes. I advanced for Rob, Haki circulating in my system. 

Both staring each other with piercing stares I jabbed him hard in the abdomen, drawing blood. Quickly waving off his blood, his palm comes rushing towards me. I duck down, just safe from his hand. I got into a squat, swiping at his feet. He jumps away, kneeing me in the jaw.

"YOU'RE IN THE WAY FRANKY!" I heard from behind me, I could also hear Luffy's ragged breathing.  

Rob came rushing at me again but in a high kick that was bound to hit me slack in the jaw if I didn't move.

"Why are you defending him?" Hattori spoke quietly behind me, while Rob fought.

 Hattori sat on a box. I turned to look at the bird and didn't realise Rob had taken another shot at me. Raising my hand I caught his pressurized hand and gripped it into mine. I could feel his Haki pushing through and trying rip through my palm. Instinctively I armamented my nails and dug them dig into his flesh. At that same time, I went to kick his side. He slid to the slide missing the kick but nails still in his knuckles.

"Answer me, why are you defending him? Why did you interact with him?"

 The truth was shut up inside me. My nails spat out of his fist, I scoot backwards. Rob stays where he is, behind me 4 men were going at Luffy. Rob didn't need to know, it didn't need to be said. 

"Forget it," I held my other arm with my bloodstained nails. 

All of a sudden my interest was piqued. Very quickly. Luffy was situated on the floor in front of Paulie and Kaku had his arms crossed.

"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO BROKE INTO HQ AND SHOT DOWN ICEBURG!" screamed Paulie, pointing. His face was contorted in many expressions. Ranging from anger to sadness.

Luffy shuffled back. The city quietened and their jaws were open. Franky scratched his head and Nami was lost for words. 

"WHY WOULD WE EVER DO THAT?!" states Luffy, shouting so the people of Water Seven could hear him loud and clear.

Paulie stepped forward, Rob smacks him on the elbow telling him not to get too close.


Spandam's plan worked, flawlessly. But I had to say I felt bad, but it's a plan we have to carry out.  Paulie carried on babbling.


I promise- One Piece Fan Fiction- Luffy X Reader.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz