Harry Homesick

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Harry's POV
(This is around the time where Harry had long hair)

I was unpacking my suitcase in the new hotel we were staying. I had kept a small bag inside containing a few necessities. But the one thing that was the most important to me was a small bear plush that my mum had given me the last time I went to visit her. I stared at it for a few seconds before thinking about all the times with my mom before I became famous. Sitting around the television, watching stupid reality tv, laughing while playing a cheesy board game....

I missed it. I missed my mom, my sister Gemma, my stepdad. I wanted to see them and feel my mothers warm arms around me. I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks and onto the soft bear in front of me. I completely broke down in sobs and hugged the bear close to my chest. I remembered all the times with my family. The sobs didn't stop though. They kept ripping through my lips, hot tears falling.

I only just realized how lonely I felt in that moment, I wanted my bed, I wanted my mom.

Niall POV

I opened the door to Harry's room after I heard sniffles through the, very thin, walls. I checked around the room and found Harry on the floor hugging a teddy bear. "Oh, Hazza?! What's wrong?" I asked rushing over to the younger lad. "I-I *sniff* m-mi-iss my mu-mum.." he choked out. I pulled him into a hug and started draw circles on his back. He sobbed into my chest and hugged me tight. "Shh, It's ok, Haz." I continue to rub his back, rocking back and forth in an attempt to calm him down. "I-I w-wan-na go h-ho-ome" he cried. "Oh Hazza. I wish I could get you on a flight back home, but I can't. You get to see them on Christmas, and New Years." I tried to comfort the shaking, sobbing boy in my arms but he wouldn't let up. He just kept crying and crying and crying. "Harry, you need to calm down for me. Your gonna get yourself way too worked up."

Harry's POV

I tried to calm down, I really did. But I just wanted home. I wanted my mum, I wanted my family. I cried into Niall's arms and tried my best to take deep breaths. But all I was thinking about was wanting to go home. I wanted my bed, I wanted my mum's warm hugs, I wanted to annoy my sister playfully, I wanted Holmes Chapel. "It's ok, Hazza, it's alright" Niall comforted.

Niall's POV

I whispered soothing words into Harry's ear and tried to get him to calm down. "I-I ju-ust r-really wa-anna go h-ho-ome" he mumbled, taking gaspy breaths that everyone does after crying, especially this much. "I know Hazza, I know. It's alright." I reassured him. "Do you wanna go cuddle?" I asked. I felt him give a small nod and carried him to the bed. I laid him down and crawled behind him so he was  little spoon.

I hugged him from behind, and at first we stayed like this but eventually he flipped around to face me and snuggled up against me. I chuckled softly and sighed "goodnight Hazza."


I don't know if I'm gonna make a part two or not but that's mostly up to you guys😅 so tell me whatcha think! And please leave requests on the "Requests" chapter luv you bai❤️

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