0: Prologue

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Unknown POV

I had only seen her once. Maybe twice if I hadn't known it. The one who has been occupying my mind for 2 weeks now. How did she come to be the object of my inspiration, so suddenly?

It was only once, for fuck's sake.

But once was enough to get me hooked.


What's so special about her? Was it her silky ebony hair? Or her cute round face? Her pretty brown eyes, paired with a spray of black lashes? Her sunny smile, or her delicate mole placed on her bottom left lip? That very lip I wanted to tug with my teeth?

No, she's innocent, like an angel. Too beautiful and graceful. A sinner like me can never touch her. Never ever.


It felt like a dream. It was an ordinary day, just like any other ordinary day. Swirling orange and blinding yellow leaves meets the soft earthy ground in a bout of wind, only to get crushed under mine and my dog's feet.

A warm pumpkin spice coffee in my hand, and a good book and leash in my other, I walked slowly and carefully, leisurely. We were on our way to the dog park, which was a few blocks away from my apartment complex.

"Bae, you should slow down. You'll bump into other people. You've already jumped a poor kid. Luckily, the mother was nice about it and the kid liked dogs." I sighed out, softly tugging lightly on her leash. "Please be more careful, ok?" I bent down to scratch her ears, Bae lapping at his face excitedly.

"Ok, ok, we're almost there, so let's head over, yeah?"

About 10 minutes later, we had finally gotten to the park. I turned to Bae, watching as her golden tail flagged out in an excited manner. I bent down to her height.

"Paw?" Her paw immediately shot up to meet my hand. "Good girl. Now let's unclip that leash." Unclipping the leash was no small task as Bae always refuses to stay still, her nose poking me face and under my arm and through my legs to try to get out of my grasp. "Bae! Just let me take it-" Before I could finish my sentence, she suddenly dashed away, leash STILL attached, and heading towards a girl who was fixing her dogs collar, and didn't seem to take notice of the incoming bullet in the form of a dog heading her way.

I watched it slowly happen, hand outstretched, as the golden dog hurdled onto her, the girl giving a little yelp as Bae pounced on her. "Wha-" She tried to speak, but her face was soon smothered in dog kisses. "H-hey!"

I quickly got up, shocked out of my stupor. I rushed to her aid and started to tug the furball off.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't think Bae would do anything this crazy!" I tried to tell the girl. I turned to Bae. "You naughty dog. I told you to be careful less than 15 minutes ago!" Bae just panted happily in response, not seeming to care about her situation.

I had finally pulled her off, cradling her like the big baby she is, and bowed slightly. "Again, I'm very sorry.."

The girl chuckled, to which was unexpected to me. I looked up to see a bright smily face in her soft looking features. "That's alright! I'm quite fine. Your dog is very energetic! I wish Holly had as much of a spark as she does! He's quite lazy at times. He probably gets it from my brother!" The dog called Holly, a small chocolate brown toy poodle, looked up at his name being mentioned, looking slightly annoyed. The girl caught the look. "Don't look at me like that, you meanie."

A small small appeared on my face, albeit unaware of it. She seems to have lots of energy herself. I like that.

She picked her dog up and stuck her tongue put at him. He copied her, his small pinker tongue flicking out like a lizard.

While she was distracted for that short moment, I took in her features. Her midnight black hair, long enough to reach the middle of her back, were twisted into braids and had slight bangs that parted close to the middle. Her shiny chocolate brown eyes that reflected upon life itself and were fringed with long swooping lashes. Her mole, barely noticeable unless you were in such a close proximity, on the left side of her bottom lip, which the pair looked quite appetizing. I gulped, realizing my thoughts were leading to be impure.

"Well, I was about to leave when your pretty pup football tackled me." The mysterious girl had finally spoken up, again, snapping me out of yet another stupor. "If you wanna meet up and make up for her silly doggy mistake, why don't we go for coffee or tea? I'm Min Sun Hee!  I don't think I caught your name, hm?"

I took my chance with a comeback. "That's because I didn't throw it." I said, throwing a quick wink. Shit, why did I do that? Am I crazy? I haven't flirted with anyone since me and my ex broke up...

"Haha, very funny. I didn't think I would meet a clown! I thought Halloween passed?" she queried, a smirk turning up her face.

I paused, obviously not having an immediate answer. "How witty of you. You remind me of some friends of mine. I'm sure you guys would get along great! But enough clowning around. I'm Jung Hoseok!"

Sun Hee's POV

"Hoseok huh? I'll call you Sock!" I snorted, which had earned me a shocked smile from the thin male.

"If you call me sock, you'll meet another one and have a pair of us. Is that fine?" He immediately responded, not wanting to be called a fuzzy footwear item.

"Mm, maybe not. How about Mr. Sunshine?"

"Hahaha! That's cute! My friends call me Hobi though, so feel free. If you wanna call me, er, sunshine, that's also fine with me!" The look of clear relief was evident.

"Hobi it is then! It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance!"


Bunny here! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, as this is my first ff I think I will really enjoy writing (typing???)! This is dedicated to one of my very best friends, RunchRanda_IsBack

I hope you stay awhile~♡

•|Mr. Sunshine|• °JHS° Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu