A rematch. Part 1

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I tamed a Pegomastax, who I named Theif, for what i was about to do. The other were ready. We all had full riot gear on, it all being a combination of master craft, apprentice and ramshackle.

I got them together to do this. We were gonna go get Samantha out of this problem.

Y/n: ready guys?

Neebs: quick question. How are we getting there?

Y/n: oh being a devil taught me a few things. You got the holy stuff?

Thick: let's see. A cross, holy water, blessed bullets. Yup

Simon: how'd you even get a priest of bless those?

Doraleous: you don't want to know

Time skip

Neebs and Appsro took out the two remaining guards in front of the large door.

Y/n: Simon, do that thing

He transformed into his T-rex form and barged right through the door and roared.

Appsro: fuck yeah!!!

We walked in as Simon transformed back into human form.

Simon: what's up?

I smirked a bit as I saw a path clear to reveal Riser and Samantha and Rias. And Samantha and Rias were in...wedding dresses?

Y/n: first why are they in wedding dresses. This ain't a wedding

I turned around and shot a inner guard from attacking me as the others took care of the rest.

Y/n: you know what? Scratch that question. But I do have something important

I pointed at Riser.

Y/n: we challenge Riser for Samantha

Riser: oh? And what do you have that I would want? Nothing. You're not even devil

Y/n: yes, I'll give you that. But we do have one thing. Tek

Riser: and what is this tek?

Y/n: extremely valuable metal. Useless alone but if you have a lot you can make armor and weapons that rival anything devils have

Now that got his attention.

Riser: and if I lose?

Y/n: simple. You don't get to marry any of them. Issei can keep Rias for all I care, but we need our tribe leader. Plus if we're weak why don't you prove that? You and your peerage verses us half creatures

I scratched Thief and gave a low whistle to keep him from stealing.

Riser: deal

Y/n: good. But I have a request for where we fight

I saw a man walk over to me.

???: Sirzechs Lucifer-

Y/n: brother of Rias. I'm glad you're much kinder than Rias

Sirzechs: yes I heard about your... let call it a falling out with her. But I'm glad you can come to terms with your past

Y/n: I haven't. I'm just doing a favor for Issei as he probably won't do it himself

Sirzechs: funny. Now about where you want to fight

Time skip

We were teleported to a copy of the surrounding  area of our base. A complete copy, untamed creature and all. They said it would be too easy to win if we had our creatures which we respected. We all wanted a fair fight. They let us keep Fuzzbutt and Thief.

Y/n: remember guys! We want them to suffer! Bring them to their knees and shatter their will!

We were in a copy of our base. We had everything set up.

Y/n: go get those Phoenix tears Thief

He nodded and hopped off my shoulder, running in the direction of Riser's group.

Y/n: start soaking those weapons!

Riser POV

Ravel: so which direction?

Riser: the hill. We'll have an advantage

As we climbed the hill, it got hotter, slowly. But why?

As he reached the top a green ball hit one of my pawns, eliminating them instantly.

Ravel: dragons!

Time skip

We were in the forest. I lost 3 pawns to dragons alone! And this creature came up to us. It didn't hurt us, just climbed over us. I didn't think anything of it because no one was hurt.

I heard a roar and looked around and saw a massive red creature.

Riser: Thai was a mistake!


3 pawns down and Phoenix tears acquired.

Simon: so we just sit here and wait?

Thick: they seem to be getting themselves killed. It's kinda funny

I then heard someone announce 1 Bishop was eliminated. Good.

I heard running and looked over the massive wall. It was Riser and what was left of his peerage, being chased down by a rex.

Y/n: aim for the rex! We want them alive. For now

We all aimed before opening fire, killing the rex within minutes.

Y/n: hello Riser! Glad you could make it!

I saw him glare up at me.

Y/n: also!

I held up the Phoenix tear so he could see them.

Y/n: you missing these?

He looked at them before realizing what Thief did to them.

Y/n: yep. And now you will lose! Open fire!


Betrayed Deinonychus male reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now