The betrayal

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I was sent to an abandoned house by Rias. She said there was something I needed to eliminate.

She was keeping her eye on that kid, Issei. She told me I had to go ahead without the rest of them.

I let my claws out, them forming out of my own skin, covered by feathers. I wish I could do more though.

Then I ran up to the door and kicked it down.

I entered but realized it was very dark. Luckily I have good night vision and saw a light switch.

As I went to turn it on I felt something jab into me. I looked down to see a sword sticking through me gut, being pulled out from behind me.

I fell to the ground and the lights turned on to reveal...Rias? And the others?

Rias: pathetic

Y/n: what?

I tried to stand up but Kiba stabbed me. I held in my scream.

Rias: your weak, you know that? And your an abomination. I should never have revived you

I felt electricity go through my body and I felt Koneko punch me, I think breaking my back. I felt Kiba take his sword out of me.

Koneko: weaklings like you don't live. They die

The other two stayed silent as they left. I was on the ground, bleeding out, broken back.

I put my head down, ceasing all my movement.

And she had even taken my evil piece out.

I was going to die.

I sat there, gasping slightly, before putting my head up, my claws turning into hands as I dragged myself towards the door.

Y/n: we don't give up. I won't die. I will only die on my own terms!

I managed to, despite the lack of backbone, somehow stand up. I dragged myself towards the door and fell outside of it. Too much blood loss.

So I did the only thing I could think of.

Y/n: help!

I then felt myself spiral down, into eternal darkness. But I heard a male voice first.

???: get the tribe, now!

Time skip

I moved my hand, my vision still blanketed by darkness.

I tried to rub my eyes but I found I couldn't reach. I pulled and found my hand was tied to something.

So I moved my head towards my hand, rubbing my eyes before opening them.

I found myself in a room, my hands tied to a bed.

Y/n: hello?

???: he's up! Guys he's up!

Even with the ropes that tied me down I formed my claws ready to try and defend myself however I could.

The door to the room opened and in walked 6 people, 5 males and 1 female.

Y/n: who are you?

(For simplicity and for comedy I'm using the neebs gaming crew plus 1)

I saw each person's clothes a different color. Green, blue, dark purple, yellow, brown and black.

The person in green stepped forward.

I kicked at him with my unbound legs.

Green: easy. Easy!

He grabbed one of my legs and forced it onto the bed.

Blue: jeez, calm down! We're trying to help you!

Y/n: then, then why am I tied down?!

Yellow: what? We can't have someone with big claws, who doesn't know us running around

Green leg go of my leg and stepped away.

Purple: calm down kid

I slowly did as he said, taking a few breaths. Than black, the single female, stepped forward.

Black: welcome...

Y/n: Y/n

Black: ah thank you. Welcome Y/n to our tribe's home. We found you bloody on the ground outside of a large building

Memories came rushing back at me, the betrayal.

Y/n: I'm going to kill all of them

Brown: who?

Y/n: the people who betrayed me. The people who did that! They attacked me and left me to die!

I ripped out of my restraints and lunged at Black.

Her just caught me as I clawed at her. Her skin was rock solid, barely scratching.

Black: we want to help you. Please calm down

I let my claws go, slowly calming down again.

Black: my name is Samantha. I'm the leader of this tribe. And from what I have seen your like us. Not fully human

I looked at her, Samantha.

Y/n: how?

Samantha: we're all part creature. I'm part rubble golem, which is why I have such thick skin. The others are as color follows. Green is Neebs. Blue, with the creature on his shoulder is Appsro. Purple is Thick. Yellow is Doraleous. Brown with the big Afro is Simon

I got out of Samantha's grasp and looked at the 5 men.

I got out of Samantha's grasp and looked at the 5 men

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(Don't mind the weapons or Cooter. But those are the weapons they will be using later)

Y/n: and your all different creatures?

Thick: yup

I sat down on the bed.

Y/n: heh heh

Doraleous: what's so funny?

Y/n: all this time I thought I was strange. I was told I was an abomination before you people found me. It's nice knowing I'm not the only one

Neebs: so you know what you are?

Y/n: yeah. And I can only make claws appear

Appsro: then you haven't been trained enough

Y/n: what do yo-

Samantha: without proper training and experimentation you never find out what you can really do with all that power. You can join our tribe. We'll teach you

I sat for a moment, thinking. I had nowhere else to go, no one I could trust...

...except maybe them.

Y/n: ok. I'll do it


Betrayed Deinonychus male reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now