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Y/n wandered deeper and deeper into the forest. Nana glanced at Y/n wondering why she kept walking. Y/n's vivid E/c orbs didn't have color instead, a deep shade of grey painted her eyes. Nana came in front of Y/n to stop her but Y/n walked around her, almost like she couldn't see Nana. Nana followed her, wanting answers. Y/n paused, Nana made eye contact with her. 

"Y/n?" Nana called, floating forward. 

Y/n's eyes gradually shifted to F/c. Almost like a wave of color as both looked at each other. A shadow had spread across half her face, sending chills down Nana's spine. A wide smirk stretched across her face.


"Nana snap out of it!" Y/n screeched, banging her fist on Nana's claws. Nana was snapped out her trance, looking around. Trees, rock and other materials were scattered around her, ice surrounds the forest. 

"Y/n?" Nana called but Y/n whimpered in fear. 

"Don't touch me monster!" Y/n screamed, tears rolling down her cheeks. 

"Y/n?" She reached for Y/n but Kiki bit her wrist. Snarling uncontrollably, her nose scrunching up, showing her metal canine teeth. 

"Don't touch her!" Kiki roared, 


"Nana are you okay?" Y/n asked worriedly. 

"Y/n!" The Bakugan embraced her trainer. 

"Hey, what happened? Are you okay?" Y/n question, 

Nana didn't answer but kept holding her. Y/n giggled softly, gently caressing Nana's metal head. Y/n laid her back on the tree. Closing her eyes, sighing softly. 


"Y/n stop!" Lia yelled, 

Y/n looked around, The Awesomes Ones' Bakugan circled her. They looked beaten up. Kiki was laying on her side, Nana was growling at the Bakugan. Skyress had her wings spread out unconscious. Y/n reached for them but Drago lunged for her. She flinched but Nana whipped him.

"What do want from us!" Dan shouted, 

"Don't you think hurt us enough!" Wynton added, 

"We don't want you on our team!" Shun continued. 

"But I-" 

"Leave!" Dan ordered.


Y/n glanced around, the sky was grey, everything was grey. She ran towards Dan's house. She knocked into someone sending both tumblings. Y/n gasped, Dan wore only blue and had a blue strand of hair instead of Red. He whimpered in fear. 

"I-I'm Sorry, I won't do it again!" He pleads, covering his head.

"Well Y/n haven't seen you here..." Shun had a smirk, crossing his arms.

"Y-Y/n..." Dragonoid question, "Please don't hurt Dan he didn't mean it!" Y/n stared in confusion. 

"Hurt you?" 

"You don't remember? Well, you bullied Dan here," 

"What! I would never do that!" Shun laughed, smirking his heart away.

"If not why is he so scared?" Y/n choked on his words, only making Shun laugh. "Why don't you kick him like last time?"


Y/n's eyes snapped open, her lungs stung as she breathed deeply. Nana was still holding her neck. She stood making Nana let go. Nana gasped quietly, a gold glow came from Y/n. A strand of her hair became a light gold, like Shun's and Dan's. 

"Y/n your hair!" Nana exclaimed, examing her hair. "What were you dreaming about?"

"I barely remember," 

"Well, we should talk to others. Wait, Dan has this were you born on the same day as Dan?"

"Ummmm... I don't think so,"

"Well, that's weird," Y/n agreed, touching her hair. 

"Let's go find the others," Nana nodded, Switching her size. She helped Y/n on her back, carefully taking off. They couldn't see much but trees, Nana was reflected by something. She was tossed backward, catching Y/n. Nana's 600 health was sliced down to 350. Nana couldn't charge up to a move. She set Y/n down and launched a brutal punch at the shield but she was thrown back. 

"What is this?" Nana asked,

"I don't know," Y/n touched the guard but groaned in displeasure. Her nerves were on edge, spiking up when touching it. Inside the earth started to crack below them, causing the trees to fall into the holes. 

"Y/n!" Nana was late but Y/n hung on to the side of the wall. The ground split beneath Y/n, showing a bright glow. Nana was rolled back into her Bakuball. Nana's Bakuball bounced down the walls into the carve. Y/n hand slipped, she was devoured by the earth. 


Benton's showed us around but a siren caught my attention. We passed a lab and I saw people running around. They said something about the maze status going crazy. I ignored it for the time being. Benton had gotten a call, his face was fuel with displeasure. 

"Guys Y/n L/n has gone Missing..."

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