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I had been training with Skyress for a while. Everyone and their Bakugan were resting. Lia was editing her videos and Wynton and Dan were having some argument.

"Skyress I'm sorry, " I apologize, balling up my fist.

"What's wrong Y/n?" Skyress landed behind me, she had put her wings behind me. Shielding me from the others.

"I can't help you reach your full potential. I shouldn't have you, " I cup my face in my hands.

"Y/n that's not true. I know, I'm not Kiki and I can't replace her but battle like you are battling for her, " Skyress nudged my head slightly.

I smiled at Skyress, her gentle voice reminded me of my mother. She saw the bright side, I have known Skyress for almost three hours and I trust her so much.

"You're right!" I hugged her neck, but my smile fell into a frown.

"But I don't any of your moves..." I mumbled,

"Sweetie that doesn't matter, moves aren't needed. We'll become closer without any fancy move, " I nodded, I was pumped with confidence.

"But what if we're against an enemy like Drago, they can fly also. We won the battle with Wynton because he couldn't fly, "

"I quicker than them, I'm sure you'll find a way, " Skyress rolled into her Bakuball. I was inspired by her always seeing the good things.

"Hey! Y/n!" Dan jogged over to me.

"Yeah, Dan?" I question,

"You have another Bakugan, what is it?!" I flinched, he was a bit loud. I glance at my belt, he's right, I did have another Bakugan.

"Um... I don't know, " I unclip it and hold it in my hands, it squirmed a bit.

"Battle me with it!" The Bakuball hopped in my hand, asking to be let out.

"Dan he's aggressive, " Drago warned, putting me on the edge. I hesitant, Drago comment made me wary.

"Bakugan... Brawl!!" Before I could abject Dan had thrown Drago out. Drago roared, the bakuball went crazy, hearing his howl.

"Come on Y/n! You can't back down from a fight!" Dan shouted my way. I nodded, I had a rush of determination.

"Bakugan... Brawl!!" I yell, throwing the Bakuball. It bounced up as soon as it hit it Darkus Bakucore. Another Dragonoid, I almost fainted. I was thrown down from the gust of wind.

"A Dragonoid?!!" Dan and Wynton yelped in sync. I got a lump in my throat, I couldn't spit a word.

"Okay, Drago lets show that you're the best Dragonoid, " Dan shouted, his expression was so... Unshaken.

"Drago, Twisting Inferno!" I snapped out of my daze.

"Umm... Drago Move and clash with Drago?" I was so unsure about what I was saying. Drago was swift, I know I said that about Skyress but her movement were more... Tricky to figure out. Drago's are different because his are so easy to spot but he's too quick for you to make a move.

Drago spun to the right, Drago's attack missed completely. My Drago rammed into Dan's Drago, he clutched his claws. It was a battle of pure strength.

"Come on Drago push him!" We both yell, on Dan's side Drago scaped the ground, pulling up the grass. But Dan's pushed my back, pulling up the grass on my side.

"Come on Drago your the strongest!" I shriek, Drago's pupils had grown small. Dan's Drago was overwhelmed, the Darkus was able to throw him backward.

How do I love (Bakugan Battle Planet x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu