· deputising for the manager, making decisions and delegating work to others in the manager's absence;

· being involved in decision-making processes.


You are required to be present in the office by eight am till approximately six pm Monday to Friday, hours may vary due to Mr Callahan's busy schedule so you may be required to stay later. You are to remain on call at all times including weekends as you may be needed at short notice.

You will be supplied with a company mobile telephone that must stay on and be within your possession permanently.

Mr Callahan is to have a caramel latte from Starbucks only, waiting on his desk by the time he enters the office at eight am sharp.

You may be required to travel with Mr Callahan for business at short notice.

You must keep your position in the company professional, relationships within the company are not permitted.

You must carry a pen and notepad with you at all times to take any notes that may be needed.

Your probationary period is for a total of three months. Thereafter you will be required to attend a one to one meeting with Mr Callahan to voice any concerns you may have, if you are still happy in your position you will have the opportunity to sign a longer contract with us.

May your stay in the company be long and we hope that you enjoy your time with us, any problems please speak to Mr Callahan himself.

I thought more was going to be required of me, that there was going to be a long list of things to do, but this is just what I expected and I can't help but look forward to my first day tomorrow.

Not only will I be starting a wonderful new job but I will get to see Xavier again, it states that no relationships in the company are permitted and I have to respect that, it is part my contract after all.

I'm sure that this thing I have for Xavier is just an infatuation and will eventually fade, it has to.

I get up off the couch and make my way towards my bedroom to pick out my outfit for my first day of work.

I pick out my black knee length pencil skirt and sleeveless white blouse, it is slightly low cut with ruffles down the middle but it looks professional and appropriate, I match it with a black blazer and black four inch pumps. Looking down at the outfit I have laid on the bed I smile, really quite proud of my choice and excited to start tomorrow.

The house phone starts ringing so I make my way to the living room to answer.


"Hey baby girl it's me, just letting you know I'm on my way home with food, I'll be about five minutes"

"Ok I'll get the plates ready, see you in a bit", I hang up and fetch the plates and cutlery out of the kitchen, place them on the coffee table in the living room and sit on the couch waiting for Vince to come in with food.

Not even two minutes later Vince walks through the door carrying a bag of Chinese food and it smells amazing, I didn't realise how hungry I was till the smell hit me, he walks over and opens the bag taking the boxes of food out and places mine in front of me.

"Before you dig in baby girl lets pop a film in, what you up for watching?"

"How about a comedy? Something like grown ups?"

"Grown ups it is" he says and puts the DVD in the player.

I open my boxes of food, egg fried rice and chicken chow mien, the smell is amazing and as always I drown it in curry sauce just how I like it.

Mr Callahan #wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now