FAF- Fresh Water Pt. 1 (Dom)

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The sun was high up in the sky, a cloud barely noticeable in the blue. People always talked about how the sun never seems to hide in Havana, Cuba. Today, I was witnessing it.

Tree after tree passed by the car as a sharp right turn came into view, meaning we were close to the destination.

"What do you think?" The man next to me, Brian, asked, making me turn and look at him. "Beautiful, I still can't believe I'm actually here," I said, my eyes looking around in amazement.

"Better than Florida?" My cousin asked, making me smile and look over with a nod, "Defiantly."

Brian O'Conner was my cousin, only holding 3 months over me. We've been close ever since my mom passed away at age 9. Even at 34, we still were the best of friends. If it wasn't for him, I'd still be in Florida, working on cars and living by myself.

I got a call a week ago from Brian, telling me that his friends and he were off to Havana, Cuba for a vacation. He asked if I wanted to join him; of course I accepted.

Though I only ever met Dominic Toretto, Mia Toretto, and Roman Pearce, I knew who everyone else was.

Turns out a friend of Dominic's, or Dom as he likes to be called, invited everyone over for the 4th of July. Brian, taking it as an open invitation, decided that he needed some quality time with his cousin.

"You'll enjoy this," Brian said, glancing over to me before focusing back on the road. "It's a secure location, big house, friends all around. You'll be fine here."

Brian knew the situation I was in and, although he would never actually say it, he knew that I was worried leaving Florida.

At his words, my smile fell and my excitement seemed to die down some. I didn't want to talk about him. I wanted to just enjoy this 4th of July weekend and be happy.

Figuring Brian needed some type of acknowledgment that I heard him, I mumbled out, "Yeah."

In the corner of my eye, I noticed Brian look over at me, clearly seeing the mood change. He quickly tried to fix his words, "Tonight is fireworks, and Dom's cousin Fernando promised he'd show us all the hot spots for racing."

At the sound of racing, my smile quickly returned and my body almost jumped with excitement. I was always into cars, seeming to gain that from my grandfather. Brian was actually the one who introduced me into Street Racing though, only to find that Florida had very little races.

You can guess that I'm defiantly getting into some races while I'm here.

"There's the Bella smile I love so much," Brian said, using his nickname for me. I looked over, seeing a giant smile on his face which made me lightly push him.

Suddenly, the trees on either side of the road disappeared, revealing giant houses. Behind the houses, you could spot the water, seeming to rise and fall with the faint wind. Each house we passed was dressed like a mansion, thousand dollar cars parked in the driveways or on the side of the road.

People walked around in shorts and tank tops, some even wearing just their bikinis. My own attire was made up of jean shorts, a tight pinkish-reddish tank top, and white converses. My dark brown hair was up in a loose and messy bun, the open windows pushing any strains back.

Brian slowed his car down as we approached a white, mansion like house. On the side, not connected, sat a giant white garage. A couple of cars either parked themselves in the driveway or on the side of the road.

The one that caught my eyes was the one that Brian parked next to in the driveway. A black 1970 Dodge Charger. In Florida, they look for those types of cars on the road, just hoping to book them.

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