Chapter Nine - Happily-Never-After

Start from the beginning

"I sure did, Dani."


The lights came back on a few hours ago, and when they did, I let my eyes adjust to the light, and I scurried on out of there, because back there, it was a mess. I mean, who kisses someone in the dark? Was he scared? I don't know and it's killing me.

"Hey, you alright?" I turn my head to see Alex standing there with some ice cream and a note on it that said: "Happy-Never-After, eh?" It was actually adorable, and I grin at Alex, pointing at the tub of Red Velvet ice cream.

"You got that for me?" I ask, wide-eyed and suddenly feeling a little bit better.

"You got that wrong," she teases, sitting criss-crossed on her bed and I frown.

"Just kidding, don't worry," she laughs, handing it over to me, and I automatically brighten like a lamp, and I dig in to the creamy goodness.

"So, what happened?" Alex asks, nudging me with her elbow, and I look at her with an annoyed face, while ice cream was dripping from the tip of my nose, spilling onto my chin messily.

"Well, um, the lights went out..." I start off from there, and as I went further into the story, she seems to get more excited and more impatient. But, when I was about to tell her that he kissed me, I hesitated. I mean, it's weird, for some reason. That he kissed me, is what I mean. But, I tell her anyways because she took the hesitation as a good thing, while I took it as a bad thing. So, I finished telling her, and she started screaming for at least two minutes, and I'm surprised no one suspected that she was being murdered.

"I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!" She squeals, repeating 'I knew it!' over and over and over again, and it was quite annoying, yet it was refreshing, knowing she hasn't changed a bit the past week.

"I ship you two so hard," she says dreamily, her eyes growing wider, and they were filled with admiration and excitement, and it's actually scary, seeing her like this. But, when she says that, I pretty much spit out all the ice cream I shoved into my mouth, and she giggles like a school girl when I do, while I nearly faint.

"You better be shitting me," I mutter, getting up to go to the bathroom, grabbing towels and wetting them to try and get the stains off of the sheets, and I cringe when I remember they're white, so it'll take forever.

As I am doing this, she giggles and squeals about me and Noah, and it's actually getting irritating now, so I stop.

"Can you cut it out?" I snap, whipping my head around to look at her, and when she sees my murderous glare, she shrugs and countinues on, while I nearly scream in frustration.


My eye is literally twitching, the left one. It's probably been thrity minutes since she has been giggling and doing girly shit like that, while I sit here now, plugging my ears with my fingers, and sadly, it isn't helping at all.

"God, you two would make such a cute couple!"

"I knew this was going to happen!"

"I hope you two kiss in front of Kate.."

"Ooh, what if you two get married!"

"When are you two finally going to have sex?"

That's when I nearly strangle her, and she looks at me with a hopeful look, and I look at her like she's crazy, and she shrugs, and smiles, probably taking that as a yes, but I hope not.

I really hope she is fucking lying like she always does a lot.

"I hate you," I mutter, looking at her with annoyance shining in my eyes, and dripping from the tip of my tounge.

"But.. we're best buds!" She squeals loudly, and I finally look at her. Her eyes are rimmed with red. How have I not noticed this before?

"Dude, are you high?" I nearly squeak, staring at her with wide eyes, and she stares innocently back at me, and she suddenly squeals even louder, jumping up on her bed, and throwing her hands up in the air, bouncing on and off the bed.

"You just gotta stay high!" She screams, singing horribly, "all the time!" I groan, heading towards the door, and leaving, and walking away. Her yells become faint now, and I slump with relief, and I just notice people coming out of their dorms, looking at mine with a weird look, like someone was going crazy in there, and I wouldn't be surprised if Alex was.

I suddenly crash into someone, and when I look up, all color drains from my face, and my breath catches in my throat.

Oh no.


A/N sooooo, who do you think she ran in to?





vomment in the traaaaash can! <3

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