Part 7

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Kaminaris pov
As we finally pulled into the school I looked over to the two boys that were sleeping next to me. I gently shook Midoriyas shoulder "Hey cutie we're back." He began to stir awake. Within 30 minutes we were all back in our dorm rooms. We decided to go to Kiris room tonight and now we're just waiting for him to say to come over since he was unpacking and picking up his room.
Time skip
"Midoriya move over you're hogging the bed." I was currently laying on the edge of the bed as midoriya was spread out across 3/4 of the bed. Who would've thought someone so tiny would need so much space. With a sigh he rolled over to only take up 1/2 the bed , well can't ask for much more than this I guess. "Hey Kami wanna play some games." Ah I almost forgot that we were in Kiri's room "sure" he tossed me a controller and we began playing some fighting game. Within the next hour midoriya was asleep and Kiri and I were still playing games. "We should probably sleep Kiri." "Ya it's like only 1 am." With that we crawled into bed and snuggled in with Midoriya and fell into a peaceful sleep.
In the morning we all did our usual routine of leaving whoever's room we were in and getting ready for school. As we all met up in the common area we could tell that something felt off about everyone. As I looked around the room I made eye contact with almost everyone. Tsu was the first to speak up "Um Midoriya I believe that you have a hickey on your neck." I felt midoriya tense up next to me and then everyone began crowding around us throwing all types of questions our way. "If you shut up I'll tell you something." Wow was midoriya really about to ruin our little secret. But they all shut up so I guess it's a good thing. "O-ok so me Kiri and Kami might be dating." Everyone looked at us with wide eyes "You really couldn't tell the stupid nerd shitty hair and since face have been all over each other." Well at least we know what Bakugou was thinking now. "Anyways we should all get to class." We all nodded in agreement and began walking.
Midoriyas pov
As we were on our way to class Uraraka came up to me and began talking. "So who was it?" "Who was what?" "Don't act silly Deku who gave you the hickey?" I began turning all shades of red, I somehow managed to get the words out of my mouth but I still did it " It was Kiri." Now it was her turn to become all shades of red. I could have sworn that she almost passed out. I was just glad that we were at class already and I don't think anyone has seen me run as fast as I did to my seat in that moment. This was gonna be a long day. Classes went by as usual and I was so happy when the lunch bell rang I honestly was getting so bored sitting in Mic's class. I met Kiri and Kami up on the roof and we did our usual lunch antics. And as soon as it came lunch was over and we had to go back to class. Next we had a training block so we headed straight to the locker rooms and got changed. The training was actually pretty fun today we were sparing against each other. I was set against shouji which was actually pretty hard since he kept making more and more limbs. He was also pretty strong without his quirk. We were dismissed after training and all went straight for the showers considering how much work we just did.
Time skip
We were currently sitting on the floor of my room while Kiri and Kami were whispering to each other. After a couple of minutes of them doing that they turned to me and began talking "Hey midoriya are you ready for your surprise?"
Cliff hanger but anyways sorry for the weird update schedule it takes me a couple of days to think of a story line for each part. Also if you want you can ask me questions and I'll answer them at the end of each part.

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