Part 2

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Nobody's pov
As kirishima and Kaminari stood in the hall looking at each other they didn't notice a certain Pomerania wall up to them, "Out of my way dunce face and shitty hair." Of course Bakugou will never change "Really Bakugou why're you always so uptight?" Kirishima decided to say. To this Bakugou just walked away which is probably best for everyone especially considering it's past his bedtime.
Kaminaris pov
"Well that was interesting." I speak to Kiri to which he just nods "Well why don't we go back to your room and talk about this more, in-depth?" We decided to to go to my room since it was closer to where we were. "So Kiri what are we gonna do about this?" "I don't know dude because Midoriya is so important to both of us." Honestly this was such a hard topic to talk about because either way one of us would be getting hurt. "Well what if we have a little competition and try to win over midoriya." Wait was Kiri really gonna make this a competition? "I guess that'll work but don't think I'll let you win so easily." "Never planned on it Kami." With that Kirishima left my room and I prepared for the next day because neither me nor Kiri were gonna except defeat on this one. Before I fell asleep I texted Midoriya and asked if he wanted to hangout tomorrow. I then decided it was best to go to bed and see what he says in the morning.
Time skip
Midoriyas pov
I woke up the next day to a text from denki asking if I wanted to hangout I quickly texted him back saying of course and began to get ready for the day. I walked over to pick out my outfit and decided on black jeans, a white shirt and a green flannel and made my way to the common room. When I got there, there was only three people there Kiri, Ochako, and Tsu. As I walked over to them Kiri ran up to me "Hey midoriya are you busy today?" Oh that's sudden "Oh hi kirishima and sorry I already have plans with Kaminari today but I'm free tomorrow." He looked a little shocked that I already plans. He looked as if he was gonna say something but then I felt somebody snake their arms around my waist and put their head on my shoulder. All of a sudden I hear "morning midoriya you ready to go?" Ah so its kaminari, I looked up and kirishima looked shocked and, angry? Kaminari then walks next to me "Ya, where are we going?" I ask "Just to the mall." We then began our way to the train station. "Hey Kaminari whats with asking me to hangout all of a sudden not that it's a bad thing but I was just wondering." "Oh I just wanted to spend time with you that's all." That's understandable. We then sat in peace for the rest of the train ride.
Time skip
Kaminari and I have been walking around the mall for about 20 minutes when I see an all might sweater. I know that I shouldn't get it but I still drag Kaminari into the store and and begin looking for my size. After five minutes of searching they didn't have it. I was really upset about it " Midoriya why don't you just get the next size up it might just be a little big but that's fine." He's right I then grab that size and go to pay for it. After that we went to a few more stores and picked up somethings on the way. Around three I got a text from Kirishima asking where we were I told him the mall and that we'd be back in about and hour. "Kaminari I think we should start heading back now." He nods at me and we begin our journey back. When we finally got back we greeted everyone but when I went to thank Kaminari for bringing me out he wasn't there.
Kirishimas pov
I was waiting in the common room for them to get back and after 20 minutes of waiting they finally walked in. I quickly ran up to Kaminari and dragged him to my room. "What the hell dude you already planned something with him." "Ya I'm not gonna wait for you to make the first move in this war." Oh so he really wants to play like that well I'm just gonna have to out do him when we hangout tomorrow. " Well you know what Kaminari I'm not gonna lose to you and I'm gonna be with Midoriya tomorrow." This really isn't gonna end well for either of us. But we aren't gonna stop now.
Time skip to the next day
Midoriyas pov
I woke up later than usual and remembered my plans with kirishima. I grabbed clothes and ran to get ready. Today I was wearing dark blue jeans, a black shirt and a red hoodie. I rushed downstairs just to see that Kiri was waiting for me. " Sorry kirishima I woke up later than planned." "It's fine are you ready" "Yep and where are we going?" We began walking "Oh just to the boardwalk" Ah the beach that's fun even though it's fall but I guess there's always something to do there. When we got there it was pretty empty probably because it was rather cold today but it's fine. We walked around and went to a couple of stores. After about an hour we decided to get food. "Midoriya what did you and Kaminari do yesterday." That's took me off guard "Oh we just went to the mall and hung out. Why do you ask?" He looked to have calmed down at that "Oh it's nothing anyways what do you wanna do next?" We continued to walk around and played some games at the arcade. Around 4 we decided to go back to the dorms since it was getting late. When we got back the same thing happened as yesterday kirishima disappeared I sighed and decided to go back to my room and do some homework.
Kirishimas pov
Once me and midoriya got back I was dragged into Kaminaris room just as I did to him yesterday. He then slammed the door shut and began questioning me. He went on for around and hour until we heard a knock on the door. We looked at each other than the door. I decided to get up and open it when I did it was midoriya. "I-I have something to tell you guys."
Here we go left on a cliffhanger :) But not for long gonna write another chapter rn

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