I. chatting with a stranger

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omegle: Talk to strangers!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like one direction.

Stranger: yeahhhh

Stranger: so hi?

You: hiiii

You: haha

You: what's your name?

Stranger: my names stranger. pleasure to make ypur aquaintance.

Stranger: *acquaintance

Stranger: *your

Stranger: wow i just make typos all day long

You: lmao

You: i guess i'm 'you'? hah

Stranger: you guess right . clever arent you ?

You: haha maybe :P

Stranger: oh maybe ?

You: yes, maybe.

You: haha

Stranger: not so sure of yourself 'you' ;) !

Stranger: anywho how are you ?

You: i'm okay. not exactly great but i'm fine.

You: hbu? :)

Stranger: aww im good

Stranger: whats wrong ?

Stranger: dont be sad stranger

You: you know, life. same shit lol

You: i'm trying not to be.

You: thank you xx

Stranger: ahh life kinda does that.

Stranger: keep your chin up cos your worth it

You: aww

You: thank you, really.

Stranger: *spoiler alert*

Stranger: life gets better :)

You: i hope so.

Stranger: well i know so.

You: anyway, enough of my shit hah.

You: i'm glad that you do :)

Stranger: its not your shit. if its making you sad it matters.

You: yeah :(

You: i'm just tired, you know?

You: ugh

Stranger: why ?

Stranger: yeah i get you

You: mhm.

Stranger: you cab

Stranger: * can

You: yeah?

Stranger: trust me im not bad for a stranger :)

You: yeah you're not.

Stranger: i promise i wont lead you into my white van, ;(

Stranger: ;)

You: honestly better than some of my 'friends'

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