III. chatting with a stranger

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omegle: Talk to strangers!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like heartbreak.

You: fuck you omegle.

You: i just want to talk about heartbreak

You: i don't fucking like it jfc

Stranger: ditto

Stranger: haha :) !

You: sorry for that. lol

You: my boyfriend just broke up with me

You: and i'm sad

Stranger: dont be sad , stranger ...

Stranger: and im sorry :(

Stranger: are you here because you don't have anyone to talk to ??

You: exactly.

You: and you're obviously not just some horny old man so please don't disconnect

You: i rlly love him

You: i want him back

Stranger: why did he break up with you ??

You: he liked another girl

Stranger: hes a fucker

Stranger: im sure your an amazing girl but he just broke up with you

Stranger: hes not worth it babe

Stranger: you need to try to move on

You: but i love him

You: he always makes me feel like shit but i rlly love him

You: :(

Stranger: loving him isnt an enough reason

Stranger: to get hurt and degraded

Stranger: you should love someone who makes you feel like a princess !

Stranger: no more buts !!

You: i think you're right

You: i should be with someone who will love me like harry loves louis. someone who's supportive

You: i remember that time when he made me choose between a one direction concert and a date with him



You: he left already but yeah


Stranger: realizing is good

Stranger: and its never too late :D

You: i hope you're right.

You: ugh i hate him so much rn

You: why the hell do i want him back????? :(

Stranger: maybe he made you feel like you're wanted

Stranger: maybe hes the only one who made you feel like that and you want to feel loved again

Stranger: you dont want him , stranger . you want the feeling of being in love

You: you are so right omg i'm crying

You: literally

Stranger: just cry it all out ...

Stranger: it's good

Stranger: youll feel lighter and defo better

Stranger: im here for ya

You: thank you.

You: like rlly. you're better than my so called friends.

You: thank you for actually caring

You: omgsjshs

Stranger: no problem :) x !

Stranger: but im sure a lot of people care

Stranger: you just need to let them and let yourself recognize that they do

Stranger: stop focusing on someone who clearly dont (no offense)

Stranger: but also , make sure you don't depend on others too much

Stranger: you can do it yourself

Stranger: i believe in you :) !!!

You: i'm crying even more

You: thank you so fucking much

You: i definitely just need this

You: for me to finally wake up

You: i only say this to my asshole ex but i love you

You: i hope we can be friends..

You: what's your name, btw?

Stranger: im sorry we cant

Stranger: :(

Stranger: ill just make you feel bad always because im gon be busy all the time

You: oh.

You: do you work? :(

You: i'm still in middle school

You: sorry

You: i thought you were too

Stranger: dont disconnect

Stranger: yes i do work. a lot

Stranger: but i dont need to explain bc im sure you know much about me

Stranger: and dont apologize

Stranger: you didnt do anything wrong so dont , yeah ??

You: yeah :)

You: but ????

You: all i know is that you're nice

You: but i'm rlly sad

You: i want to be able to talk to you everyday

You: you'll be that friend who slaps me when i do something i shouldn't, like apologizing when i shouldn't

Stranger: i want to be there for you too

Stranger: youll be like my younger sisters

Stranger: i love them so much

You: aw :')

You: they love you too, i'm sure.

Stranger: yeah ... apparently , im their bestest brother

Stranger: its funny because im their only brother aha !!

You: lmao

You: they're lucky to have you as a brother

You: but rn i need to go bc smth came up

You: please make a twitter acc and let's talk there

You: i'm @fearlessdagger.

You: see you take care ily xxx

Stranger: :) xx !

You have disconnected.

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