Time won't solve everything

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2 months later

Mikey's POV

"Alright team, let's head out" yelled Leo.
I lay on my bed and stare up at my ceiling, thinking.
'Maybe I shouldn't go on patrol tonight, I'll just mess up Leo will get mad "
There was a knock at my door
"Mikey were leaving you ready or not" it was Donnie.
I think for a minute.
"Yea I guess" I answer
I sigh and get up from my bed, I wrap up my arms with fresh bandages that aren't stained with blood, head for the door and open it to find Donnie still standing there.
"Hey little bro, the others have left already they told me that I have to guard you on patrol."
I guess they don't trust me, well I don't blame them
I nod and we headed out to the city.

Time skip, fighting foot bots
I swing my kurisagama chain at a bot and throw it into a wall, another launches at me but I see it coming. I step to the side and slam my nun-chucks into the side of its head.

Leo's POV
Mikey has improved greatly over the past few months I think I made the right decision to let him come tonight

I sliced the last footbot in half and put away my katanas
"OK team I would call this a success" I say proudly
"Or not fearless look" Donnie points to the roof more bots were coming and I was exhausted
"I think we should retreat guys".
I turn around and bolt for the exit, Raph and Donnie followed me, but Mikey just stood there.

Mikey's POV

Why are they running away, we can take them...

I blacked out, the last thing I hear Raph calling my name...

Timeskip to ???

My eyes open and light seeps into them.
God my..EVERYTHING hurts... wait where am I
I slowly sit up only to be met with pain I instantly lay back down.
I hear someone approaching me
"Mikey?..GUYS HURRY HE'S AWAKE." yells Donnie
"Hey how are you feeling".
I try to sit up but once again pain took over
Donnie offers me his hand and I take it. He helps me up but my abdomen and arm still hurt and tears fall down my face.
I look around to see I'm in Donnie's lab
"Can I ..have...a.. gl...glass of wat..water" I manage to say
"On it" I didn't realise that Raph and Leo were standing there, Leo runs out of the lab and comes back with a drink, he hands it to me. Donnie grabs a tissue and wipes my eyes and cheeks.
"Mikey do you remember anything from the fight" asked Donnie
I think for a bit then shake my head slightly
"OK so what happened was we were retreating when you just stood there we called out to you but you ignored us then there was an explosion and well..you got trapped underneath all the rubble Raph dug you out and carried you back to the lair" explained Leo
"Wow r..really th..thanks...R..Raph." I say before I take a sip of the ice cold drink.
Raph just turns his head away.

A few weeks later

Donnie said that I should be back to normal in about a month but the thing is I don't feel any better at all, I rarely eat or come out of my room and my arms are covered in scars and cuts.

Raph's POV
Watching TV by my self feels a little weird but I like my alone time so I don't really question it.
Leo's in the dojo meditating with master splinter so I can't hang with him, Donnie's in his lab working on a retro-mutagen for Karai, so he's too busy, and well, I don't see Mikey at all lately and whenever I do see him he just runs back to his room and locks the door so I can't get in.
Yea I'm not too sure what's up but I'm determined to find out.
I walk to Mikey's room and was about to knock when I could hear sobbing.
I hesitate for a few seconds but realize that its stupid to ignore this, so I knock twice

Mikey's POV

I held the blade to my wrist
One for being weak
Another for being clumsy
And one more for..
*knock knock*
I drop the blade on the floor, blood dripping from my wrist. I pick it up and quickly slam it in the top drawer in my bedside table, then i wrapped up my wrist and answer the door.

Who I find standing there was not Donnie, nor Leo, but the last person I wanted to see, Raph
"What do you want" I say, trying to hide the dread in my voice
"Umm I just wanted to tell you that....I'll be cooking dinner tonight."
Wait is that it all he came here to do was tell me he was making tea.
He smiled a little before closing the door , I lay back down in my bed, stare at the roof and sigh once more.

 At dinner time, cause i have the power of timeskips at my disposal

no ones pov

I don't think anyone noticed mickey poking at his food, they were all too busy mucking around and being engulfed in their own conversations. Once again Mikey had enough of sitting around doing nothing, so he stood up from his seat, threw his food out and slowly walked back to his room. This time though, the brothers noticed Mikey leave  and looked at one another, exchanging worried glances.

But of course, they didn't do anything about it, even though common knowledge clearly states that they should check on their ototo, but were too lazy and didn't think it was that big of a deal, they thought it was just a faze and it would pass soon

After all, they didn't think it could get any worse than it seemed to be. But they were wrong, oh so wrong, cause little did they know, their entire world would come crashing down like a house in an earthquake.

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