Boy, You've Got Me Helpless

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What were the odds?

There were several things Peggy could do now. March over to Angelica and knock some sense into her, explain to Eliza that she couldn't have this man, maybe flirt with the guy so they could make some sort of 'girl pact' to leave him alone. However, no choice could be made before the eldest sister was walking over, no food in hand, but a certain lovesick strut to her step.

Surprisingly, Angelica jumped right next to Peggy and began whispering furiously in her ear. "Peggy, you won't believe the man I just met. His name is Alexander Hamilton and-" Internally panicking, Peggy tuned her sister out, hearing small bits of Angelica's words.

"If this is what it feels like to match with someone, how could someone not go looking for love?!"

"It's like the key and the kite-"

"Did you see when I asked about his family? He started getting nervous and-"

This rambling was so endearing, but Peggy couldn't really fall into this mindset without worrying about Eliza. Both of Peggy's sisters were utterly in love with this Alexander Hamilton, and all she could think was that this would forever change them, no matter what happened. She was only pulled out of her thoughts when Angelica was silenced.

Peggy looked over at her sister, just to see her staring at Eliza, looking from her to Alexander. Oh no. "Oh, Eliza..." Angelica whispered. Her words sounded so broken and sad that Peggy felt like crying for Angelica.

"Angelica, Peggy!" Eliza's voice was so full of glee as she talked, and it made Peggy both want to laugh and to scream. "You see that boy over there," she pointed to Alexander in a very not subtle way. Angelica and Peggy simply nodded. "That one's mine!" She whispered those words so full of happiness and longing, it made Peggy want to vomit.

"Alright then!" Angelica said, and Peggy's gaze flipped to her. What? With that, the oldest Schuyler sister walked off towards Alexander, false confidence radiating as she began to talk with the man of the hour.

"What is she doing?" Eliza's voice was quiet, but terrified as the two sisters watched Angelica. For a moment, she and Alexander were content with just talking. That is, until the boy was being led to them by their sister. "Peggy, they're coming over!" Eliza squeaked out.

"Yes, they are."

"What if he hates me? Oh, what if he falls in love with someone else? What if he makes fun of-oh they're right there!" Eliza was squealing, and Peggy was glad that it would be put to rest, at least for a good while, by Alexander's presence.

"Elizabeth Schuyler," Eliza said as soon as the pair got near. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Alexander raised his eyebrow, looking at Angelica. "Schuyler?" She only offered him a soft smile.

"My sister."

Eliza butt in before Alexander could respond, "Thank you for all of your service." Peggy could practically feel the heat radiating off of her sister with how much blushing she was doing.

Alexander bowed, kissing Eliza's hand delicately. "If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it." All three sisters smiled, if for different reasons.

"I'll leave you to it!" Angelica left, which meant Peggy was the only thing keeping Eliza from going straight into love-mode. She watched as Angelica slipped to the other side of the room, into a lone corner. Probably just wanting to be alone. Then some random boy went up to her and led her to dance. That explosion of emotions would be fun to deal with.

"This is my little sister, Margarita." Eliza all of a sudden said, cutting through Peggy's thoughts.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Margarita Schuyler." Alex bowed to Peggy, giving her a chance to sneak a glance at Eliza, whose face was practically a tomato.

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