Mark Lee Birthday Special

Start from the beginning

The things we do for love.

Sighing, he also grabbed his phone and a jacket—he knew he would need it—;making sure to lock the door before going after his little ball of sunshine. Which right now, was more of a blazing ball of fire.

Mark dialed Herin's number again and again, and not surprisingly, the latter ignored all of her calls. Lucky for Mark though, he knew the girl way too well. At a time like this, when she's not in the mood and wants to be alone; there's only one place she'd go to. She always said it calmed her down.

The waterfall in the mini rain forest.

Herin loved the place, she'd go here every once in a while, especially during examinations or when she got really stressed over her duties in the council. Mark loved the place too, though. After all, it is where he met his love.

He smiled at the heart-fluttering memory. But before he could continue reminiscing about their first meeting, he realized that he had already reached his destination.

His eyes scanned the area.

Wow, even at night, this place really is beautiful.

Mark broke out into a large smile of fondness, even more so when his eyes landed on the figure leaning on the railings of the bridge facing the said waterfall.

He was right, behold, the Herin Seo stood there beautifully; gazing at the waterfall that ran continuously, her head then lifting up to glance at the dark night sky adorned with stars.

Deja Vu hit Mark as he felt like this scene had already happened once. And it did. A few years ago, at this very place; he stood there, for the first time in his life, completely mesmerized by the beauty of the mysterious girl he had only ever heard about. Herin Seo, the well-known head of the school choir.

Mark—who had just arrived—would've continued to stare at her, even for hours without a break, he really would have; the younger looked ethereal under the moonlight. But as soon as he saw the shorter female's fragile body shivering in the cold weather, his feet had a mind of their own and sprinted towards her.

"Rin here, have my jacket." He took off the one he was wearing and placed it on the said girl.

Herin flinched at the sudden action but didn't dare turn around. She had to admit, the sudden gesture and words had scared her; she thought she was alone. But she'd recognize that voice anytime and anywhere. Exactly why she didn't have the guts to face him.

She didn't move an inch. She didn't return the jacket either; she'd actually been freezing for fifteen minutes now, it was really stupid of her to forget about what the weather conditions were like and not bring a jacket with her. Can you blame her though? She was just really hurt by her lover's words. Call her sensitive or whatever, but to her, it really did sound like the other was putting all the blame on her. It wasn't entirely her fault, right? They both lacked time at some point.

The younger of the two moved away, keeping the jacket with her. No matter how upset she was with the boy behind her, she couldn't deny how much she loved his scent. And boy did the jacket give her just that.

"Leave me alone," she shooed him off sternly. Frankly speaking, it was hard acting this way towards Mark. Especially with his jacket wrapped around Herin's body and the small smile that played on his lips. The same smile Herin had involuntarily fallen for. But then again, who could ever resist a Mark Lee? Definitely not someone by the name of Herin Seo.

"Rin, I'm sorry," Mark slowly made his way towards her, being careful not to upset the younger even more. "You know I didn't mean it that way–"

"Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?!" The tanned female's body was shaking. She couldn't stand it anymore. Mark annoyed her so much at the moment. And unfortunately for her, it wasn't because of the upsetting words the seagull-eyebrowed male had said to her earlier, but rather the power he had over the latter. Herin knew that if her boyfriend insisted on his apology just a little more, she definitely wouldn't think twice in forgiving him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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