4) I pick her up

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"Aye nigga let me in." I hear someone banging on my door and pull my gun out of my waistband.

"Who the fuck -" I open the door and see Odell's smiling ass.

"Put that away." He pushes past me with a backpack in his hand. "You ain't finna do nothing."

"Why you banging on my door like that this time of night?" I close the door and put my gun back in my waistband.

"I just came to give you your money." He toss the backpack at me and sits on my couch putting his feet on my table.

I walk over to him and push his feet off the table. "Nigga we not friends. Get yo big ass feet down."

"I never been in your house. Nice ass house for a drug dealer." He looks around smiling.

"You not even supposed to be smoking. Gonna lose your contract." I say grabbing a blunt and lighting it.

"Anyways." He drags the word out. You and Meghan's friend?" He smiles.

"Makaylnn? What about her?" I take a hit and lean back. I'm not a kid. He not about to sit here and pick me.

"You know she married?"

Throat: I'm about to pull up

I honestly forgot about her.

"I ain't worried bout shorty like that. I've talked to her maybe twice."

He laughs and stands up. "Ight. You say that now."

"Nigga get out of my house." I say pushing him towards the door.

I hear my phone vibrate and look down and smile.

Makalynn: Hey 🙂

"I bet that's her right now."

"Bye nigga." I close the door behind him and go to sit on the couch.

East: You couldn't wait on me to text you?

Throat: I'm outside.

I hear a knock on the door and get up to answer it.

Makalynn: wyd 🙄

I open the door and Sheri hugs me. "Hey East."

"Sup ma

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"Sup ma." I step to the side letting her in and closing the door.

East: Why?

I put my phone in my pocket and grab her hand leading her to the bedroom.

"Why I hear you been all over some bitch lately?" She says crossing her arms.

"Who lying to you?" I say brushing her hair behind her ear.

She slaps my hand away. "East don't fucking play with me. I know how you are with them light skin hoes." She rolls her eyes and sits down on the bed.

I'll wait for you. (Dave East)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu