Cheatty Cheatty Bang Bang

Start from the beginning

Lamb enters and sits across for her. "Might be easier now if you just confess."

"Oh, you got me. All that fine police work has finally paid off. Confess to what?"

"You have no idea why you are here."

"None what so freaking ever. Care to share with the class." she snarks.

He throws a folder on the table. "David 'Curly' Moran. That name ring a bell."

"Should it?" she opens the folder and recognizes the guy that she helped light a candle for at the crash site.

"Know him?"

"Wasn't introduced. Only saw him for a few minutes at the bus crash site. What's this guy have to do with me."

He slides a photo over to her. It's Curly, dead, with her name written on his hand.

"Lose an earring?" he asks showing her a diamond stud in an evidence bag.

"Not really a diamond kind of girls." she tries to breathe evenly. 

Fuck, fuck, fuck that Eli's. Well, now I know why he has been wearing hoops.

"We found this at the Road Hog. A known biker bar on PCH. The last place he was seen."

"I repeat, what does this have to do with me? I have no clue why this guy has my name written on him."

"Really? A guy is beaten to death, near a known biker bar. One that your boyfriend and friends have been known to hang out at and this has nothing to do with you. I find that hard to believe."

She ignores all his threats and walks out when he is done.


She is not surprised to find Eli and his boys waiting for her when she leaves the station.

"This is a change, querida. Usually, it's you picking me up." he says with a laugh when she gets on the bike.

"Laugh it up. We need to talk. Private like.." she whispers in his ear. He nods and they drive off.

He pulls into his driveway and while she goes inside, he sends the boys off. Claiming some alone time with V.

He finds her in his room and she looks pissed.

"Where's your earring?" she asks looking up at him.


"You know the one that you always wear. Well before you started wearing the hoops."

"Not sure, V. Maybe in the backseat of your car, somewhere in one of our rooms..."

"Or in an evidence bag at the station. Lamb showed it off to me. Do you have any idea how hard it was not to react."

"V, what are you talking about?"

"David 'Curly' Moran. That name ring a bell."

"Shit, what's he saying I did to him."

"Nothing, he's kinda dead."

"Whoa. V. He was alive the last time I saw him. Beaten up but alive."


"While you were dealing with the bus driver's daughter, I got this phone call from some unknown number. This guy tells me that Curly was behind the crash. Being all helpful, lets me know that Curly was hired by the Fitzpatricks to get back at Cervondo."

"Why would they go after him?" she asks.

"Seem he was bragging about hustling Liam Fitzpatrick out around three grande."

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