Cheatty Cheatty Bang Bang

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"Blondie, why the hell are you joining FBLA?" Felix asks as she grabs something to eat before heading to class.

"One, it looks good on those college applications that the guidance counselor suggested it would help if I looked well rounded. Two, Duncan is there and until we know what the hell is going with Meg, I feel like I need to watch out for him."

"Isn't Letty checking out for him enough?" Felix asks.

"Use your head vato." Thumper says knocking Felix upside the head.

"She's making sure her friend's boyfriend stays sane." Hector says.

"Thank you, boys. Felix, Meg is my friend and I want Duncan to be healthy enough to be with her when she wakes up."

Eli pulls her to him and wraps his arms around her. Kisses her neck when she pulls out of his hold and heads to class.

The class is already going when she gets there. She slips into her seat between Duncan and Cassidy.

She sits and listens to Dick and Cassidy's dad give them a lecture.


"Hey, Ronnie hold up a second." Cassidy calls as she joins Eli in the hallway.

"Beaver." Eli says.

She elbows him in the stomach. "It's Cassidy."

" are you still looking into things for people?" he asks as they walk.

"Yeah what's up?"

"My dad got remarried this summer."

"I know this, I helped Meg pick out her dress for the wedding."

"Yeah, well she is a total gold-digger but my dad doesn't seem to see it. I think she's already cheating."

"Your dad is smart, there's a prenup right?"

"Yeah, think you could find proof of her violating the prenup. I'll pay."

"How much we talking here?" Eli asks. 

She's saving for school, kid. Make it a good amount.

"A thousand for a picture of her violating it." Cassidy states.

"Done. I'm going to need a copy of her schedule."

He hands her a folded piece of paper and walks off.


She's on Thumper's back, joking with the guys, waiting for Eli when Sacks shows up.

"Veronica, I need you to come with me." Sacks says looking uneasy about who she is with, he knew that she was dating the leader of the PCHers but didn't realize how close she was to the rest of the boys.

"What does Lamb want this time?" she snarks getting off Thumper to grab her bag.

"Veronica..." Sacks says.

"We'll let him know where you are." one of the boys says. She gives Felix, Thumper, Hector and the rest quick one-armed hugs before going off with Sacks.


She sits in an interview room, doing her homework while she waits for Lamb to show up. She knows that he is trying to show dominance by making her wait so she, of course, refuses to give it to him.

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