Chapter 2- Evening Nerves

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Sophie's POV

My first day surprisingly went really well! I thought when I got there, people would be bitchy and judge me but they were all pretty chill. The photographer I was assisting (Lisa) was amazing. Watching how she conducted herself on a shoot and how her mind worked was something I aspired to be like one day. It was definitely too soon to pick up on any negative vibes since everyone tries their best to be nice to the new girl but I'm sure once that wears off I'll be able to tell what it's really like.

On my way back all that positive energy slowly started to fade once I saw the Carter's car parked in front of my house. It was like a burst of emotions flowed through my body that I couldn't control. I couldn't tell if it was anxiety or... butterflies?

My only thought was Ash. I hadn't seen him in 3 years and although he always infuriated me, there was that annoying factor of him being extremely beautiful that got in the way of total hatred. Maybe that's too strong of a word Intolerance? Irritation. That's it. He and I would always have this back and forth banter and he knew exactly what to say to wind me up in the times we were forced to interact.

The fact that he always treated me like a kid didn't help the situation. But things changed that last moment we exchanged before he went away. For me anyway.

I never saw him again after that.

Until now.

I walked through the front door and an eruption of noise and adults walked towards me, greeting me and asking how my first day was.

I should've made more of an effort with my face.

As they all guided me toward the kitchen table, I hugged Elena and Kyle even though I had only seen them two weeks ago at mums birthday dinner.

Then I saw him.

My attention naturally fell toward his muscular arms that made him look older and more mature than when I last saw him. He was 6ft with amazing golden hair tied up into a man-bun. Wearing a dark top and jeans, with a dark golden stubble to match the hair on his head.

Absolutely gorgeous.

I studied his face- I mean, he was always beautiful but THIS beautiful? He looked like a Greek god. My memory must be awful. This was definitely not the same boy from before, this was a fully grown man.

"Hey, you're kinda blocking my seat." he says calmly as I nervously moved myself out of the way. Whatever this feeling was that I had in my body, I had never experienced before. I sat down and started eating immediately, absolutely starving and trying to focus on something else.

"Sophie, why don't you show Ash where the bathroom is" mum tells me as she tells the others to go to the living room. We moved houses after he left so it was his first time being here. She gestures upstairs and I'm left there with him. Feeling the most anxious I've ever felt in my life.

Well... this is awkward.

"It's okay I can find the bathroom myself." Ash said, chuckling to himself, looking deep into my eyes with a dark grin. I didn't even know what to say, it had been so long and I thought I had gotten over this ridiculous 'crush' I had.

After what seemed like forever I finally spoke. "It's okay, I'll show you the way" I managed to get out as I walked infront of him, making my way to the stairs. I could feel his eyes travelling all over my body, examining me as if he didn't recognise me. I've definitely changed over the years.

Maybe he also thinks I've changed and he's realising that I'm not a kid anymore? One can only hope.

I put my hand on the stair railing as I walked up and suddenly I felt his hand brush mine.

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