Devilish Twins

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Light shone through the trees as I woke up. The typical sounds of a forest went on around me, the babbling of the brook, the melodic songs of the birds, the rustling of leaves in the wind. Typical muggle fairytale setting when everything is bright and happy. I arched my back up from the forest floor as I stretched to get out all the kinks in my body from sleeping in a weird position on the scratchy dirt bottom. I slowly stood up, pops sounding from everywhere, back, shoulders, neck, knees, arms, etc.

“Ya monkey!” I heard someone shout a little ways away. “It’s time to stop being Mrs. Muggle Explorer! Mother wants us for something!”

“Hold your knickers peas for brains!” I shouted in my idiotic sister’s direction.

“I am deeply hurt by your words, dear sister!” came the muffled reply from several bushes to my right. “Here I was, being a dutiful older sibling, and this is the thanks I get! Woe is me!” Pansy stood up from her, what I assume was tangled up and scratched in the bushes, only to fall dramatically like she was in a shitty muggle drama.

“Stop with the theatrics. If mother wants us, depending on how long ago she asked you to find me, she will have our heads if we aren’t there within five minutes,” I said with a role of my eyes.

Pansy shot off the ground with worried eyes. “Right. We should get going. NOW.” She grabbed my hand and proceeded to run. Getting my bearings, I began to run as well, my feet falling much more gracefully the Pansy’s, allowing me to run ahead of her. “You don’t have to show off ya know!”

I just turned around and smirked at her, my feet naturally avoiding obstacles, even while running backwards. “If I’m a show off, then your dear ‘Hermione, my goddess, my true love!’ is a one-trick pony!” I called.

She bristled. “How many times do I have to tell you that I was under the influence of Amortentia? And for crying out loud, of course that half-witted muggleborn is a know-it-all oaf! The only things she knows how to love is books. Oh for the hell of it, History of Magic with Binns is probably her favorite subject of course!”

“And there you go off ranting about how smart Granger is again, or future Parkinson I should say. And secondly, you are not under the effects of Amortentia 24/7!” I yelled as I began to slow down. Our home, of course several stories tall, expanding over several acres with lush gardens, was coming into view. I slowed down to a walk, so that way I could catch my breath, and wait up for my sister as well.

Pansy caught up to me, her breaths deep and ragged. “How in bloody blazes do run that fast, and not die after a while?!”

“Practice Pansy, practice. You should try it sometime.”

“Bloody half-witted twat, she muttered under her breath.

I just smiled and headed inside. Let’s just say that the shouts and light emanating from the main parlor made my heart squeeze and caused me to grab Pansy by the wrist and drag her down the hallway towards all the noise. Pansy practically ran behind me, worried herself as to what was going on.

We entered the parlor and what we saw was traumatic. Our mother lay dead on the floor, blood pooling out from several gashes in her stomach. “The Sectumsempra spell,” I whispered. Both Pansy and I knew that spell too well, thanks to it being used on us multiple times back in Hogwarts for disobedience from Dumbdore’s overly loyal lackeys. Remembering this caused me to whirl my head around in blind fury. I took in the seen to see not only several people who have tortured Pansy and I before, but the arsehole himself. I felt my smile turn malicious.

Pansy was standing there horrified, she was too shocked to do anything. I walked over to her and slapped her across the face, hard. She snapped out of it and gave me a thankful look before turning her eyes to see who all was there like I did. I saw her eyes flash with malevolence. Her face transformed into a scowl. “Where are our wands?” she asked quietly. I gestured to the second floor to where our individual rooms were located.

Your Move (Discontinued, but summary of what happened inside)Where stories live. Discover now