Favorite Hero

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Izuku POV

     It took a few seconds to realize it, but he was the Underground Hero: Eraser Head. Oh no. He probably saved me. I gotta run.

     I tiptoed past him. Good thing he was sleeping. My hand reached for the doorknob. But I was stopped.

     I was restrained with a Eraser Head's capture weapon. The scarf- like object was hard, but flexable. I should write this in my notes. . . Ugh, now is not the time to think about that.

Aizawa POV


Ugh. Another suicidal teenager.

"Hey, Aizawa you should come check this out," Tsucauchi said. He sounded worried.

"I just did a background check, the boys name is Izuku Midorya, his mom went missing 10 years ago. And his dad has a criminal record." Guess he has a reason to be depressed then.

"But check this out," he held up pictures of Midoriya in the recovery room. My eyes widened.

Midorya had his back scattered in what looked like deep whip slashes and scars. His chest had purple bruises all over it. He was so skinny you can practically see every single bone, he's  probably malnourished. And his arms, his arms barely any part of his skin that didn't have a scar or a cut on it.

"What do you think?" I didnt know what to think. How can he endure such wounds? Does he eat? And why?

"Well. . ." I started "He doesn't look very healthy, and based on his fathers criminal record this boy shouldn't be living with him anymore."

"I think he was bullied," Tsucachi said.

"Bullied? Why?"

"Well, he's quirkless."


So he was beaten, bullied, malnourished, and he doesn't have a mom. . .

"Well I guess we'll have to find him new parents, but he'll probably have a hard time because most people adopt younger children," Tsucauchi sighed.

He deserves. . .

"I'll adopt him."


End of flashback.

Izuku POV

     What do I duuu!? Eraser Head caught me attempting suicide, now what?

     "Walking away without saying 'thanks' eh?" He croaked.

     "S-sorry, and thanks for saving me," I forced a smile. I obvisously didn't want to be saved. But I was sort of happy to meet him because he was my favorite hero. After All Might said I couldn't be a hero things weren't the same. But I've always admired Eraser Head.

     "Now there's some things we need to talk about so please sit down," he said in a monotone.

     "O-okay," I obeyed and sat.

     "Well since your father has a criminal record. We can't let you stay with him after all that's happened. . ." he explained.

     ". . . so you'll be staying with me for the time being."

     Tears started to fill my eyes. I was so happy. I don't have to stay with dad and I'll be staying with my favorite hero!! I couldn't help but be happy.

    "W-why you crying?" He ran up to me.

     "I'm j-just so happy I finally get to meet my f- favorite hero, and stay with him," I said between sobs.

Aizawa POV

He smiling. For some reason that made me smile too.

"There, there, now let's get out of here," I patted him on the back. Now lets go get your belongings.

.     .     .

I drove him to his home with a police squad. We still need to investigate his father.

We finally arrived at his home. It looked kind of run down. Almost like no one lived here.

"H- hello father I'm home. . ." He entered the house.


Deku Doesn't Mean Useless [DISCONTINUED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora