CHAPTER 121: Bizarre Waltz

Start from the beginning

"Say..." he said as he approached Mami and Kurumi. "What's this so-called pageant about and why is Ryouko the one participating in it?" He traced his thin and pale forefinger on the counter glass display as he gave them a simper. The malicious glint in his eyes told the girls telepathically that they had no choice but to answer.

Kurumi automatically opened her mouth to provide a reply. There's something about Fujioka Hotaru's eyes that made her feel that something terrible is going to happen if he doesn't hear a proper answer. "The pageant is an event for the festival. It's kind of like a popularity contest. Well, Ryouko-chan is quite popular... And so is Echizen-kun. Having them participate in the pageant will make the contest more exciting. And they're also advertising for the class booth at the same time..." Kurumi looked up at Hotaru nervously.

"Hmm..." Hotaru said, looking thoughtful. "Naruhodo ne (I see)," he added and fixed the girls a piercing stare. "In simple terms, you're merely using her to your advantage. Even though she didn't want to participate in that, you forced her anyway. May it be here or there, there're so many people who loved using others to their advantage..."

"Excuse me," Mami said and stood up. She sounded offended. "Phrasing it that way isn't very nice. It's true that I didn't inform them prior to registering their names in the pageant, but Ryouko-chan and Echizen-kun are members of the class and they also wish for our class to do well in the festival." She returned his cold stare with an obstinate one.

Hotaru merely shrugged nonchalantly. "Nevertheless, it's true that they didn't want to participate. If given a choice in the matter, they'd refuse registering their names for the event," he countered. He looked at Mami from head to toe. "Ohh? Are you the 'Mami' girl that Ryouko was talking about earlier? Using Ryouko's kindness like that, quite a manipulative wench, aren't you?"

"Oi!" Shuu's voice echoed from the back of the room. By that time, the guests of the café have noticed the disorder that was happening. He marched towards the counter and faced Hotaru squarely. "Watch your words. You don't even know her, what right do you have to shoot your mouth off like that? I don't care if your Ryouko-san's precious cousin. If you say more insulting things to our class members and our school, I'm not gonna tolerate it," he said, his tone threatening.

Hotaru merely raised his eyebrow at Shuu. "Whatever..." he said and started towards the door.

"Hey you! Get back here!" Shuu yelled at him. "Ryouko-san told you not to go anywhere."

"Ryouko-chan entrusted you to us. Please just stay here," Miyako told him.

"No worries. I'll tell her that I got lonely and went looking for her," Hotaru said and lifted a hand in a carefree manner. They could only watch him leave.

Afterwards, Kurumi and the others apologized to the guests about the commotion and returned to servicing the customers.

"Was that frail boy earlier just an act?" Mami muttered under her breath.

"Who cares?" Shuu said. He looked quite irked. He casted Mami a glance. "Don't mind what that two-faced guy said. He's obviously just a spoilt brat," he told her and went back to waiter duty.

"How shocking... Such a delicate-looking boy can have such an unexpected side. I actually got a little scared," Kurumi whispered to Miyako.

"Maybe his mood just turned bad?" Miyako remarked.

"I hope so... It's disappointing if that's his real personality," Kurumi commented.

"Keep at it everyone. We'll be closing in thirty minutes and support Ryouko-chan and Echizen-kun in the pageant!" Mami announced. The class answered with cheer and focused on their jobs.

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