chapter 2:different kinds of liquid

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With curlers in my hair and make up on my face I try to escape from Lacy. She's like my supervisor  just ALOT scarier. Sneaking past the guest bedroom where she was and into the kitchen for a snack. Just as i opened the fridge door I hear a noise behind me. It was Lacy! I dropped my sushi to the floor and screamed.

"You scream like a girl!" She said laughing.

"Well maybe it's because i am a girl!" I said while picking up my sushi.

"Well the way you were trying to eat that sushi told me a different story."

"Yes, whatever! Why did you sneak up on me? There's like no one in the house you could just scream my name." I said rolling my eyes.

"Because you knew that i knew that you shouldnt leave your room yet."

"That made no sense but fine I'll go to my room. I hope your happy now!" I stormed off to the room with a laughing Lacy behind me.


Lace finished my hair and make-up in only 2 hours. She already had my outfit planned, i have to admit she has great fashion sense.

The outfit was a black croptop, denim skirt and my black converese. She understood my idea of fashion. I dashed down stairs with Lace hot on my tail. She wore a nude tight dress with matching pumps.

I unlocked the door grabbed my purse, phone, house keys and car keys. We climbed into my Jeep and Lace put 5 seconds of summer on the radio. She was in LOVE with them. I like there music but my guy is HRVY. Now thats a mix of hot and cute with a great voice and a bonus he could dance.

The drive to the party was silent but not an awkward silence. Untill Lacy spoke up.

"Do you think he'll be there?"

"Who will be there?"

"You know. Josh the bad boy."

At that moment all i could do is hit my head very hard.

"C'mon Kat i know you like the guy."

"Uhmm, i barely know him and plus he's a MW."

Lacy started to laugh very loudly." Seriously Kat not all bad boys are MW's"

"You don't know that." My last words to Lacy before i parked the car.

We strolled on the sidewalk to Johns house. It was still early but people were already drunk. Its quite hard to believe but at Johns parties anything is possible.

Inside you could really hear the music blaring through the speakers. People were grinding on each other and doing all sorts of things. Rick was standing in the kitchen with his friends. He was looking wait no staring at Lacy. She started to blush heavily and moved her way towards him. Now that's what i call romantic.

"Hey babe" Rick planted a kiss on Lacys forehead.

"Hey, Rick honey would you mind getting me and Kat some drinks?"

"Sure." He went and grabbed two red plastic cups and poured different kinds of liquid into it. I had to admit i was a bit scared. Rick handed us our drinks and i smiled in appreciation. Lacy juged her cup and dragged Rick to the dance floor were they did their thing.

Now i was left alone in a kitchen at a horrible party.


After trying hundreds of doors i finally found a save bedroom that wasn't occupied. I went and sat on the bed just to try to relax. I took my phone out of my back pocket and checked the time. It was only 9:30. Time clearly doesn't fly. I was left alone with my thought till the door bursted open. Only to reveal a very drunk Jhon. He immediately saw me and came to the bed. I was truly filled with fear , not knowing what to do i moved a little farther from him. It didn't help. He slithered his arms around me and started to kiss my neck.

Trying to escape from his grasp and yelling the door opened again. Josh was standing in the door way. He rushed in removed Jhon from me and led me outside. I truly was confused why he had come to rescue me. Maybe he just wanted my screaming to stop. When he finally turned to look at me i stared at him totally confused.

"Are you okay?" He stared to inspect me but i shoved him away.

"I'm fine. Thanks."

"No prob. You don't look like the type to hang out at parties." It sounded more like a question than a statement.

"Wow. But your right. It's my first big party." I tried to hide the joy in my eyes by lowering my head. Before i could even look at the ground Josh took his hand and slowly lifted my face upwards.

"You have nothing to hide." I could see the smirk creeping up upon his face. You could really see his dimples now.

"Uhm i don't know if thats a compliment but i think i should head home. Bye." Just as i walked past him i could feel a hand on my shoulder. It was him.

"Maybe i can take you home?" This smile was real and i loved it. But I'm not giving into his charm.

"Actually i came with my car so.." i looked to where the Jeep was parked. He understood and nodded his head. I could see the smile disappear and the joy fade.

"Oh well drive save then." With those words i headed to my car.


The drive home took longer because i took a few extra turns. I needed to clear my head. But when i reached for my bed everything felt atleast a bit better. I knew everything wasn't going to be perfect but i could only hope. My dreams that night were filled with a million thoughts. I dreamt a thousand lives and felt at peace but at the same time nervous. But Josh was in every dream. I needed Lacy...


I lost a bet to a manwhore Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum