chapter XI

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y/n - what are you guys doing here ???

tyzu - ah.. y/n it's raining outside can we come in plz???

y/n - yeah sure but why are both of you hear ???

taehyung -actually we were on a date near this area and it started raining heavily. Then tyzu said that your house is nearby so we came here. Sorry for disturbing

 jungkook-y/n who is it ?? what is taking you so long??

jungkook said while coming towards the front door. When he reached the front door .His eyes widen in shock when he saw taehyung and tyzu at the gate. There was a shout heard in the whole neighborhood  


y/n- wow..guys first come inside or you will get a cold .

both taehyung and tyzu entered y/n's house in shock and sat down in the sofa of the living room. And taehyung broke the silence .

taehyung - jungkook what are you doing here ??? 

jungkook- actually y/n got hurt and nurse told me to take care of her and when I was about to go to my house it started raining .So, yeah...

y/n- So ,he is staying here for a night same as the both of you :>

tyzu -oh...thanks y/n ,you are so sweet 

y/n -thanks . Did you all eat ??

jungkook- I ate with you stupid ??

y/n-I didn't ask you coconut head

everyone burst into laughter except for jungkook

jungkook -ahhhh....I am jungkook not coconut head

y/n - whatever, did you all eat??

tyzu - yup,I told you we went on a date so we ate there 

y/n-"smile fades away "oh..yeah "looks down"

jungkook immediately notices it and tries to change the topic 

jungkook - So , wanna watch the movie we were watching 

taehyung & tyzu - sure

then all of them settled down . Taehyung and tyzu next t each other. Jungkook and y/n next to each other . Then started  watching the movie y/n was enjoying little bit but soon disappeared when she looked at taehyung and tyzu both were so close to each other and about to kiss . She was trying her best  to cry silently . When jungkook looked at y/n, he saw that she was crying . He was confused and was going to ask but, he heard some weird noises and when he looked around he saw taehyung and tyzu kissing each other and know the reasons of y/n's tears .

jungkook- ahmee....." stops kissing"

taehyung - what happened jungkook ??

jungkook - lets go to sleep .I am tired 

y/n - ok "while looking down"

tyzu - who will sleep with whom ??

find it out in next chapter 

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