Chapter 37: The Carnival

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-The Next Morning @ 9:00AM-

Auslly: *Wakes up*

Austin: Good morning beautiful *Smiles*

Ally: *Blushes* Morning Handsome

Austin: You okay, you're not scared anymore

Ally: Yea, I'm okay, I'm not scared because I have you *Kisses him*

Austin: *Kisses back*

Ally: *Pulls away*

Austin: That's so sweet

Ally: It's true

Austin: I love you

Ally: I love you too *Smiles*

Austin: Let's go downstairs

Ally: Ok

Auslly: *Walks downstairs, sits at the table, eats*

Riker: *At the table with them, eating* So Ally are you okay because you seemed really scared from that movie last night

Ally: Yea, I'm fine now

Riker: Good

(Later With Ashton)

Ashton: *Sitting on the couch, watching TV*

~Doorbell Rings~

Ashton: *Gets up, opens it*

Lilly: Hey Ashton

Ashton: Hey Lilly *Kisses her*

Lilly: *Kisses back*

Ashton: *Pulls away* Come in

Lilly: *Walks in*

Ashton: *Closes the door*

Ashilly: *Sits on the couch*

Ashton: Can I get you anything to eat or drink

Lilly: No, I'm fine

Ashton: *Turns the TV off* Okay, so how is my wonderful girlfriend doing *Smiles*

Lilly: *Smiles* I'm good what about my amazing boyfriend, how is he doing

Ashton: *Smiles* I'm good too

Lilly: *Thinks of something**Smiles* Huh

Ashton: *Confused* What?

Lilly: I was just thinkng about when we met over a year ago

Ashton: Yea, it a year and 5 months today

Lilly: *Smiles* I love how you know that

Ashton: How could I ever forget

Lilly: That's so sweet

Ashton: I got you something *Takes a bag out of the closet**Gives it to Lilly* Here

Lilly: *Smiles* You didn't have to get me anything

Ashton: I know, but I did, now open it *Smiles*

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