Chapter 56: The Tour is Over

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-2 months later-

(At Sonic Boom)

Austin: *Walks in*

Ashilly, Trish, Dez, Dallas: AUSTIN!!*Runs up to him, hugs him*

Austin: *Smiles**Hugs back**Pulls away*

Dallas: How was the tour

Austin: It was good, I loved performing but I'm glad it's over, I missed you all

Everyone: We missed you too

Austin: So where's Ally?

Trish: She's not here

Austin: Oh *Sad*

Trish: She'll probably be here soon, this is around the time she comes

Austin: *Nods*

Ashton: So did you break up with Kira?

Austin: *Shakes his head* No not yet, I can't just break up with her the day we get back, I have to give it a few days, that would be mean

Lilly: That's understandable 

Austin: *Smiles* Yea, I can't wait to see Ally, you guys have no idea how much I missed her

Everyone: *Smiles*

Ally, Elliot: *Walk in while holding hands, see Austin*

Austin: *Smiles* Ally *Sees she and Elliot are holding hands**Smiles fades*

Ally: *Shocked* Austin!! *Quickly pulls her hand away* 

Austin: *Sad* W-What...are you dating Elliot

Ally: *Nods* Yea

Austin: *Heartbroken, tear eyes**Runs out*

Ally: *Shocked, feels bad*

Elliot: *Chuckles*

Ally: I can't believe he's here,

Elliot: Who cares

Ally: *Looks at him, mad* What do you mean who cares

Elliot: We don't need him here

Ally: *Mad* GO, GET OUT

Elliot: No I'm good *Sits down at the bench*

Ashton: Austin is now heartbroken because he knows you're dating someone else

Ally: Well he I found out like this too, so it's pay back

Ashton: Come Ally, don't be like that

Ally: I have too go *Leaves*

Everyone: *Stares at Elliot*

Elliot: Can I help you

Trish: You have no right to talk about Austin like that and I don't like the way you treat Ally

Elliot: It's a free country, I can talk however I want about whoever I want

Trish: You are so messed

Elliot: Sure I am

Dallas: Just leaves

Elliot: Whatever, I don't want to be with a much of losers anyways *Leaves*

Ashton: I don't understand how Ally is with him

Trish: I can tell she can't stand him

Lilly: I know

Trish: From the first week they were going out I knew she regretted it and wanted to end it, but I don't know why she didn't 

Dez: I don't know, maybe she's scared of him

Trish: Dez that is really smart, you are smart for once, she probably is scared of him

Dez: Hey I'm always smart 

Trish: Okay if you say so

Dez: Whatever

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