Chapter 41: Really Sick

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-Later at 6:30PM-

Auslly: *Talking, watching TV*

Bay: *Comes in the room* Hey guys

Auslly: Hey Bay

Bay: It's dinner time, Austin would you like to stay for dinner

Austin: Sure

Bay: Do you guys want me to make something or get something delivered 

Ally: Delivered

Bay: From where

Ally: Lotus Flower, I feel like chinese food

Austin: i love chinese

Bay: Alright cool *Gets the menu* What should we get, do you guys want get a whole order

Auslly: *Nods* Yea

Bay: All of us can get a few things that we will share everything

Ally: Bay, you can go first

Bay: Ok, Beef Teriyaki, fried chicken wing and finger

Ally: And fried rice, Low men, and wonton soup

Austin: Orange chicken, dumplings, and crab rangoo

Bay: Okay perfect, i'll call and order it *Calls and order, hangs up* They will be here in an hour in a half

Auslly: Okay

Auslly, Bay: *Walk downstairs*

Ally: *Feels dizzy, holds her head*

Austin: *Sees her* Ally are you okay *Worried*

Ally: Yea, I'm fine, just a little dizzy

Austin: You better lay down *Worried*

Ally: Y-Yea your probably right *Starts walking, looses her balance, faints*

Austin: *Catches her**Lays her down on the couch**Gets a wet towel, puts it on her forehead*

Ally: *Wakes up* What's going on

Austin: You felt dizzy and fainted

Ally: Oh *Feels sick, takes the towel off her forehead, get up**Runs to the bathroom, throws up in the toilet*

Austin: *Follows her, pulls her hair back*

Ally: *Gets up, wipes her mouth, flushes the toilet**Cries* 

Austin: *Hugs her* Shhh, it's okay *rubs her back**Kisses her head**Picks her up, lays her back on the couch**Sits next to her* You're really sick *Takes her temp* Still have a fever of 102

Bay: You might have the flu

Austin: Or a stomach bug

Ally: Both of those things are bad

Austin: I know, remember I'll be with you the whole time *Kisses her cheek**Holds her hand* My love

Ally: Can you sleepover 

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