Jk: I... Why...?

Y/n: Why what?

Jk: Why didn't you...

Y/n: Go to the police?

I nodded and she just laughed which made me furrow my eyebrows.

Y/n: Because even if I did, my stepdad is one of the most powerful men in the country, he would probably just pay to be released and I wouldn't earn anything besides a really bad beating.

I finally collected my thoughts and looked her in the eyes.

Jk: Why do you let him do that to you?!

Y/n: What do you mean?

Jk: I know you can defend yourself, so why are you letting him hurt you?!

Y/n: Because I don't have a choice!

Jk: What do you mean you don't have a choice, do you want him to hurt you?!

Y/n: Of course I don't, that's why I learned how to fight! But I can't do that to him...

Jk: Have you even tried?!

Y/n: Yes Jungkook I did! But he...

She started to tear up once again and I walked a bit closer to her.

Jk: What...?

Y/n: He said that if I ever do it again...

She took a deep breath to calm herself down and then continued.

Y/n: He said he would do the same to my sister... that's why I let him do this to me, he is the reason I get into fight's so that I can cover my bruises, the reason why I am late to class because sometimes it's too painful, to get out of my bed and why it takes so much time for me to make friends...

I was speechless once again, how could I even comfort her, what could I say?

Y/n: Now you know...

Her voice cracked at that because she was on the verge of tears, but she quickly straightened herself out and took a step away from me with a serious face on.

Y/n: And now you can leave me.

Her sentence made my eyes widen in shock once again.

Y/n: I know you are disgusted by me, and I don't blame you, so you can just pretend you don't know me and I wont brother you ever again, and you don't have to feel guilty, i'm used to it.

Jk: How do you expect me to just leave you, when I know that you are hurting?!

Y/n: No Jungkook please... You can abandon me, you can talk shit about me, heck you can even beat me up and I wouldn't care, but I don't think I can take it if you start pitying me.

Her words pierced through my soul and I could see the pain in her eyes and hear the desperation in her voice, I wanted to help her but there was nothing I could do.

Jk: Y/n...

Y/n: Goodbye Jungkook...

She walked past me and it felt like she took a part of me along with her, she thought I didn't care about her and it broke my heart, I knew that if I let her walk away I would regret it for the rest of my life "I have to do something".

*Y/N pov*

I walked past him trying my hardest to hold back my tears since I didn't want him to think I was any weaker that he already thought, I didn't manage to get very far before I felt someone putting their arms around me and and pulling me into a tight back hug. 

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