"Just Talk To Me." Andrew Clark x Reader

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It was the sunday after we all had detetion. We, the breakfast club as Brian described us, learned a lot about ourselves and each other. It is not that we became instant besties, but we knew each other and would all say hello to each other if we saw each other walking down the street or in the school halls. I, for instance, was closer to Andrew than i was to John. You see after yesterday, i told Andy about my feelings for him and to my luck, he felt the same about me. Even better, after we all walked out the school, Andy pulled me back towards him and placed a kiss on my lips and it felt like fireworks were going off.

I was standing in front of my closet, deciding what i am going to wear for my first date with Andy. Since it was a sunny day today, i decided to go for my red plaid pants, a black top and my combats. I went to the bathroom and got ready. I did my hair and walked out. I went down the stairs and my mother stood near the stairs waiting for me to come down. "I am so happy for you. You know, i always thought you would ended up with Andrew Clark, he is a perfect fit for you. Now go and have some fun." She told me and gave me a tight mamabear hug. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door.

Andrew told me to walk to the park and that we would have a picnic . I walked towards the park and i was starting to get a little nervous. I was still a little nervous to be alone with my long time crush and it was a happy nervous feeling. I arrived at the park and i saw Andrew sitting near the pond and i walked over to him. "Hi Andy." I spoke as i stood in front of him. I gave him a hug and he gladly hugged me back. "Hey Y/n. You look pretty." He nervously stated. "Thank you Andy, you don't look bad yourself." I remarked as i sat down. "Thank you Y/n." He gave me a glass of water and smiled.

"I love that you made time for me. I thought you were grounded today." I spoke. He looked at me and started to look sad. "Did i say something wrong?" I asked. "No, you didn't. It just.. Never mind; it is supposed to be a nice date." He responded. "Andy, whatever it is, you can tell me. Just talk to me." I stated. He took a deep breath. "It's my father. Ever since detention, he has been telling me that i was a loser and that i was wasting time in wrestling. I love wrestling, he just never has something good to say about me. I can only do bad in his eyes."

"I wish he could say that he is proud of me after a game. Eve though if i lost, that he still would say that he is proud." He explained and i placed my hand on his thigh. " Maybe you just have to tell him about how you feel about the whole sittuation. Maybe if you talked about it, he can change. By the way, I have seen you play and believe me you are not a loser." I spoke. "God, i love you." Andy spoke and placed a kiss on my lips. "I love you too. But if there is something wrong, you can always talk to me about it." I reminded him and he nodded. We continued to talk to each other and ate the food he brought.

It was a fun date and we had so much fun. Andy even brought a frisbee and we were throwing it to each other since it was so hot Andy even took off his shirt and i was starting to get a little red on my cheeks. "Like what you see L/n" He laughed as he threw the frisbee to me and i catched it. "Haha, nice try to distract me Clark" I retorted. I threw the frisbee back to Andy, but it was flying over his head and Andy had to ran backwards not realising that the pond was behind him and fell in the water. I started to laugh before going over and help him.

I held out my hand for him to take it and he pulled me in. "You are so dead right now." I laughed as i started to splash him. After a while of 'playing' in the water we walked out and towards our spot. The night was slowly falling and it was starting to get a little colder. "Let's go to my place. It is way closer than yours." I spoke and grabbed his hand as he held all the things in his other hand. We walked to my place and walked inside. "What happened to you?" My mom spoke as we walked in and quickly went to grab two towels and while we were drying up, we had a nice chat with my mother about our date. After a while, Andy decided that he was going home. "Thank you miss L/n for the lovely chat we had, but i am going home, before my parents are getting mad." He told my mother and she smiled. I walked with him to the door and let him out.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school." He smiled as i wrapped my arms around him and placed a kiss on his lips. "I'll see you tommorrow. I love you." I replied. "I love you too." He smiled as he walked away. As he was walking out my sight, i closed the door and walked up the stairs . "You two are made for each other. You should invite him over for a dinner." "I will mom. Good night." I smiled and walked to my room. I couldn't wait for tomorrow and what all my friends would say about it. There was no way that my friends would tear us apart. And i knew that Andy wouldn't let that happpen. I got ready for bed and laid down, way too excited to sleep but after awhile i closed my eyes and fell in a peacefull slumber. 

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