Chapter Thirty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"Oh god...." Olive shook her head, "Who else heard that?"

"How many people are in the Top Box?" Cedric chuckled. When Olive's cobalt eyes grew wider, he shook his head, "No, just us, probably."

"Why did I say that? I'm such an idiot." Olive face-palmed herself, looking down at her lap with a frustrated sigh, "It just spewed out of my mouth."

"Hey, you said you felt bolder." Cedric whispered to her, "I guess that means saying weirdly awesome things to pricks like Malfoy."

"It was brilliant." Ginny added, "He's just plain stupid coming in here and bragging about that in front of the Minister."

Olive smiled to herself, "I guess you're right."

The lights in the Top Box dimmed, and Cornelius Fudge took his seat. Draco turned around two rows in front of them, sending Olive a quick glare before turning back to watch the game as the teams' mascots lined up.

"Welcome to this year's Quidditch World Cup!"

"That was a really... weird match." Olive mused, plopping down on her bunk in the Diggory's tent. It was later in the evening, the interior of the tent lit up with floating lanterns and candles.

"Never happened before... at least not that I could remember." Cedric shrugged, "Bulgaria catching the snitch but Ireland winning... wow."

Olive laid down flat on her back, hands fiddling with the hem of her t-shirt. She stared up at the bunk above her, amused. She never really watched Quidditch like that before. She always viewed it as an unexciting, violent game, taken up by snobbish jocks... no offense to her cousin.

"I liked it." She nodded with certainty, "I honestly wish all matches were played like that." Olive shot Cedric a smirk.

"None of us Hogwarts blokes can play like that." Cedric chuckled, shaking his head, "Not yet at least."

Olive imagined Cedric playing for a professional team, like Ireland or something. He was just as good as some of the players out there. She believed he just needed a string of luck.

The Ravenclaw sat up, twirling the end of a dark curl. Her brows were knit together quizzically, "You'll get there."

Her cousin shot her a look, almost confused by her deep in thought, matter of fact look. Cedric was, as any Hufflepuff is, humble. He never boasted about his skills, or believed he had anything extraordinary to bring to the table, despite his amazing talent.


"You'll have to teach me someday." Ollie decided, "I've never ridden on a broom before."

That caused the Hufflepuff to sit bolt upright, an elated smile plastered on his face. Cedric had been asking to teach Ollie for years, but she was never up for it. She had always been too afraid.

"We can start at school. I'm captain, so I know the schedule. It'll be great! There are extra brooms in the tents that'll hold up nicely. I have access to the quaffles and bludgers-"


"Do you know your timetable yet? I suppose all sixth years will have potions later on the same day-"

"Cedric!" Olive threw a pillow at her excited cousin, "Don't get too excited. I said someday. Not the first day of bloody classes."

Cedric stopped himself, but still held that excited look on his face.

"You're never gonna stop are you?" Ollie asked.

"Big mistake asking me." Cedric waggled his eyebrows at her, folding his arms across his chest, "Every free day you have I'm going to bug you about-"

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