I got teamed with sparky's friend, Sero or whatever.

"I'm pumped!" Sero grinned. His costume was just a bunch of black and yellow tape dispensers.

Captain Office Supplies much?

I groaned. All the kids here got huge cases of a hero complex. Especially that Broccoli kid. He just admires  what's-his-name. The fucking sparkly guy who is literally America if it were a person. Which is weird, 'cause he's not American.

On the other hand, Pink-Cheeks or whatever has a good reason for becoming a hero, she's doing it 'cause her family is literally so poor, they don't own silverware 'cause it's too expensive. She's gonna give them some of the money she makes as a pro. Which is pretty cool.

Tenya's doing it 'cause he idolizes his brother and wants to be just like him. Pretty much what Midoriya's doing. But I can tolerate Tenya. But only because I like annoying him. Otherwise, I'd beat his ass. 

He's also a good person to talk to. And he makes me smile. But whatever. 

Sero and I were up against Midnight. 

Her quirk is like knock-out gas. 

My hero costume is simple. Mainly street clothes. I got a really loose Led Zeppelin tank-top and some jeans. I also got some black combats boots and fingerless gloves. The gloves are fire-proof, along with the rest of my outfit. I'm also wearing my signature gas mask and a pair of aviator's.

The gas mask comes in handy for situations like this. 

"Hey boys~" Midnight smirked. "Come on, the games not fun if I'm the only one that plays."

"Come on, the games not fun if I'm the only one that plays."

I stopped. My heart was beating rapidly. Oh my god. I can't breathe. Why am I freaking out?! My legs gave out. What the hell?! This isn't her quirk is it?! No. It can't be. Her quirk is the fucking knock-out gas. What's happening?!

I heard Sero yelling my name. Shit. Get up Y/N! GET UP!

Then I remembered Tenya's words.

"Remember, if you're in the middle of a speech and you stutter, continue speaking." He told me that right before the match. 

Fuck. I gotta get up. I can't lose this. I can't.

I slowly got up. 

"Scotch-tape," I barked, I noticed Midnight was about to use her quirk. "Get behind me you idiot."

He did so.

I'm not going to let both of us fail this exam. 

"Good job, L/N, he would've lost consciousness if you hadn't gotten back up." Midnight teased.

I gave her the finger.

She faked a gasp, "How rude of you," She chuckled.

I outstretched my arm and took a deep breath. 

I let a huge flame out in front of me. I can't hurt a teacher, but this exam is focused on them playing the villain, so I am obligated to do so. 

"Run to the exit." I ordered Sero. 

He began to protest.

"Fine, fail the exam." I began running to the exit. I noticed he had followed. What a loser.

When we made it out, I put my sunglasses on and walked to a vending machine. Tenya had followed me and began praising me. 

"Shut up already, I choked, it wasn't as flawless as you keep sayin' idiot." I frowned.

"No you shut up, Y/N. You were amazing. Who cares if you choked. At least both of you passed. You need to stop doubting yourself, Y/N. You're greater than you make yourself out to be."

I glared at him and began walking away.

"Come on, the games not fun if I'm the only one that plays." The older male smirked. He was holding the little boy's wrist. 

"P-please, st-stop." The boy begged.

"Nuh-uh, you were bad again. You need to be punished." The man pulled the boy into the room.

"Stop!" The boy screamed. But his screams were muffled by him being thrown onto the guest room's bed.

"You make this so easy, Y/N."

"Shut up!"

_words; 1072

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