5 (Rick Grimes)

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🎵Keeping me from
killing you
And from pulling you
down with me in here🎵

===Lanes POV====

"We have to walk from here" Glenn says
"Alright, give me a minute." I say they nod I take of one of my holsters, the one with my 45 caliber in it, and i give it to Jared. Along with two of my daggers.
"Ok I'm giving you this just in case you can use one of the daggers, but do not, I repeat, do not shoot it unless you really have to. And just remember the training we did if you have to use it, and don't lose it or my daggers. Got it." I say.
"Yes mom" He says
"Ok good." I say well I ruffle his hair.
"You think that'sa good idea--im not questioning your parenting but-" I cut off Rick
"Yeah I think it's a good idea, and he probley has better aim then you, officer. If you don't like it...too bad." I say and jog closer to Daryl with Jared by my side.

We walk further when we get past a fence
"Merle first or guns?" Rick asked
"Melre! We ain't even having this conversation." Me and Darly say in unison. God I hate when we do that.
"We are, you know the geography. It's your call." Rick says to Glenn
" Merle' s closest. The guns would mean doubling back. Merle first." Glean says as we jog that way.

"Did you just say that because your scared of my Mother or is it really closest." I here Jared say to Glenn.
"In all honesty, both" Glenn says I laugh.
We walk in the store, Rick says to stop when he gets close to a walker, points his crossbow at it when a dagger goes through its head clean shot. We all look to see who threw it, and it was Jared I smile like a proud mom right the because my daggers are my weapon of choice. I look at Rick.
"Told you he has aim, even better with a gun." I saw quietly and walk in front of him. We walk up the stairs to the door lucky the pad lock was still there we cut it open with bolt cutters Darly is the first one in the door.
"MERLE!MERLE " we say. We don't see him but I look down to see his hand.
"NO, NO.......No....no....no" Darly and i say along with Jared looking shocked and pissed.
Darly point a his crossbow at t-dog and Rick points his python at Daryl. Then I point my python at Rick.
" I won't hesitate I don't care if every Walker in the city hears it"Rick says, I can see the tears in my brothers eyes and in my son's eyes. He puts his crossbow away Rick slowly turns to me and puts his Python away. Well I still have mine to him.
"Point that gun to my brothers head one my time I won't hesitate I don't care if every walker in the city hears it. Got it." I say with my voice cracking and tears in my eyes I put my Python away and pick up my bow.
"You got a Du-rag or something." Darly asks T-dog he give him a handkerchief and Darly hands me it so i can wrap Merle' s Hand in it. (Sorry cringy hand joke)I put it in Glenns bag.

"Yeah I guess the saw was to dull for your stupied handcuffes." I say to Rick
"He must have used a tourniquet for maybe his belt." Darly says.
"Cause there would be more blood of he didn't" Jared says
We look for him around the store.
"Merle, you in here" Darly yells we see a walker Who was already dead
"Had enough in him, to take out these sun of a bicthes" Darly says
"One handed" we say at the same time I roll my eyes because I hate when we say something In unison
"Second Toughest ass hole i'v ever met my brother."
"Feed him a hammer and he'd crap out nails" Jared says I nod
"Wait second whos the first?" I ask my brother
"Any man can pass out from blood lose no matter how tuff he is." Rick says
"MERLE!?" Darly yells
"Bro shut up remember, were not the only ones here." I say agitated.
"Don't you wanna find our brother, screw that he could be bleeding out you siad so your self." Darly says I scoff
"Of course I wanna find his ass just be the fuck quiet." I sigh. We walk in to a room with a stove still on, Merels belt, and lots of blood.
"Whats that burned stuff." Gleen asks
"Skin, he cauterized the stump." Me and Rick say at the same time we look at eachother them back at Merle skin
"Told you he was tough." Darly says
"Nobody can kill Merle but Merle" Jared says
"Don't take that on faith he's lost a lot of blood" Rick says
"Yeah well didn't stop him from busting out of this death trap" I say mater-of-factly.
"He lest the building why would he do that?"Gleen says
"Why wouldn't he.... he's out there alone as far as he knows, wonder why he would think that." I say to Rick
"Don't know what he gotta do, surviving." Daryl says
"You call that surviving, just wondering out in the streets maybe passing out "T-dog says
"No worse then being handcuffed and lest to rot by you sorry picks."Darly says
"You couldn't kill him, I ain't so worried bout some dumb dead basterdes ." I say to Rick
"How bout 100 of them dumb dead basterdes different story, right"Rick says
"Why don't you take a tally, do what you want I'm gonna go get him." I say Rick gently pushes me back
"Don't you touch me/her!"me and Darly say in unison
"You can't fucking stop me" I say
"I don't blame you he's family I get that I went through hell to fine mine I know exactly how you feel.... he can't get far with injury...we could help you check a few block around but only if you keep a leave head." He says really close to my face.
"I can do that, officer friendly."I say with a smirk he. Nods and looks at T-dog
"Only if we get those guns first I'm not strolling the streets of Atlanta with just my go intentions..ok." T-dog says mainly looking at me but talking to Rick. I nod
"Your not doing this alone" Rick says to Glenn she were discussion
" even I don't like it and i don't like you much" Darly says I roll my eyes
"It's a good idea ok..just here me out.. if we go out there in a group were slow and drawing attention if I'm alone I can be fast..look." he shows us the plan
"No" I say they all look at me
" I'll do it I'm the fastest."
" No! You know how dangerous this is you have a kid Lane no." Darly
" I'm not letting him go if i can be faster and stealthier--rembmer 4 year of track and 4 years in the Marines. I'm doing this." I say sternly he nods I look to my son who has fear In his eyes
" Hey it gonna be fine Jar..im gonna be fine and if I'm not I'll let you kick uncle Darlys was for letting me go, deal." I say to him.
We go to get in position when Rick pulls me to the side.
"You don't have to do this" He says
"Yeah I do" i say right back
"No. You don't.you got a kid that needs mom. You shouldn't go." He says
"Yeah I should for 2 reasons. 1 being with more guns I can protect my son better. 2 Gleen is still a somewhat kid...I'm not gonna let him risk his life when I know I can be 10× faster then him. So yeah I should do it."I say then he nods.
We Get get into are positions and I start running. I make it to a bag and the hat when I here my brother yelling I run to him to see him beating a kid, then two men go up to him and start beating him. They see me I go to run when one takes me to the ground
"DARLY! GLENN THE BAG"I yell and trow it to them.
"DARYL, EARLY HELP." Me and Glenn yell the men some how get Glenn too and put us in the car and put a bag over are heads.

End of this chapter
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