Torturous dinner

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(Damian's POV)

I made my way down to the living room slowly assuming if Barbra arrived they'd be in there. Once entering everyone was in civilian attire along with Barbra and Stephanie which was a surprise seeing as I hadn't seen much of her since things went down between her and Timothy. But father definitely didn't know about that yet after being gone so long.

I was shaken back into the present moment by a hug from father him saying something about not getting a proper reunion in the cave. I pulled away as soon as I could not wanting one in the first place.

Dick then announced that the pizzas would be here in 10 minutes. I wasn't all that hungry and if I was still going out tonight I shouldn't eat too much. About that... Taking my phone from my pocket I took a seat on one of the sofas in the room and proceeded to my contacts scrolling threw the list of names until I came upon one labeled 'loser' aka Jenny one of my very few friends.

'We still going out tonight?'

'You bet it baby face!'

'Fuck off. See you at 9'


"Idiot" I mumbled smiling slightly as I put my phone away. Jenny was 18 me being 15, we had met shortly after my father left. It was my first time going to a club and some guy had roofied her drink and was trying to take her with him. I stopped it and took her to a hotel leaving my number on the nightstand for some stupid reason and she hasn't left me alone since.

(3rd POV)

Damian seemed to be deep in thought while the rest of the family continued to catch up with each other. The pizzas arrived not long later and they all made their way to the dining room.  Barbra was behind everyone else and was just about to leave the room she noticed Damian was still on the couch deep in thought. She went over to him tapping his shoulder bringing him out of his trance. He looked around noticing everyone was gone and left the room not saying anything to her.

Barbra then fallowed after Damien, she knew he had changed after Bruse left. The times she saw him on patrol he was more aggressive than usual, she had also seen him hanging out with some shady looking people a couple of times. She began to worry for the ex-assassin but it wasn't really her place to say anything so she left it alone for the time being.

(Damian's pov)

Entering the dining hall I noticed the only seats open were next to Jason or father. Sighing I took my seat next to father knowing he wanted me to sit next to him. I grabbed a smaller piece of pizza setting it on my plate noticing everyone else already eating and chatting. I nibbled on my pizza slowly not being super hungry, I paused feeling my father's eyes on me, him not saying anything until I spoke."Yes, father?"

"You got your ears pierced."

I only nodded in response surprised he only just noticed. Father had never been fond of males getting piercings hell he didn't even like it when women got them anywhere besides the main lobe. I continued to eat my pizza thankful that father didn't press the subject. I could tell he didn't like them but I didn't expect him to. He will probably only get more upset as soon as he notices that I don't just have the lobe and upper lobe but an industrial on my right ea-

"You've been awful quiet today Dami. Any reason why?" Jason spoke in a teasing tone that was meant to upset me I just knew it.

"No reason and even if I have one it's not any of your business." I snapped back not really in the mood for whatever shenanigans he had planned.

"Okay fine just wondering...Hey, are you gonna have that friend over. The one that was here the last time I was here?" Jason said with a smirk on his face.

I froze locking eye contact with him. That bastard. He really knew how to press my buttons. "No, they will not be coming over," I said threw gritted teeth glaring at Jason.

"Awe well that's too bad they seemed cool," Jason said as he grabbed another slice of pizza from a box.

"I'm glad to hear you made some friends while I was away," Father said with a small smile. He's such a clueless idiot sometimes.

"Oh yeah Damian probably made a lot of 'friends' since then," Jason said with a mischievous smirk.

I lost it in that moment lunging myself across the table tackling Jason out his chair as we both began throwing punches wrestling each other on the ground until being pulled apart by several of the others.

"Damn you throw a good punch for a fa-"

"Shut the fuck up!" I scowled yanking out of the gripe of Dick who was holding me back from Jason. Turning I walked out of the dining room and then the manor deciding to just walk and meet Jenny early.

Sighing I ran my hand threw my hair as I continue walking. I grabbed my phone from my pocket to tell Jenny that was gonna be meeting early. Noticing a new crack I must have got from my fight with Jason. This day just could not get any better. After texting Jenny my mind started to think back to my 'friend' Jason was talking about.

His name was Aidan he was a year younger than me. I meet him at a party Jenny dragged me to. We became friends fast. Just. Friends. But I guess he didn't get that. It was our first time hanging out at my house I was hesitant because of being the son of the billionaire I didn't want that to change our friendship it being rather new and all. But things had been going well so far we had been playing video games when Aiden paused it in the middle of a game looking up at me with his dark brown eyes that seemed to hold so many secrets. Suddenly he kissed me I was shocked not knowing what to do exactly. It was my first time being kissed by another male. Me not pushing him away instantly was probably bad cause he thought he could continue as he pushed me back to a laying position. I was about to push him away now recovering from my shock but I was too late. The door of my room opened.

Aiden jumped off of me with a squeak holding his hand over his mouth as he stared at the person standing at the door.  I jumped up from my laying position and turned to the door.

"What the fuck?" It was Jason.

He just looked back and forth between the two of them his face scrunched in confusion. "It's not what it looked like!" I said frantically not breaking eye contact with him. Hoping Aiden wouldn't say anything and thankfully he didn't.

"Oh it's, not? So my brothers not some sorta gay twink?"

"No! I..i" I was at a loss for words. It probably looked like I was homosexual with my friend.

"You what? some gay shit? What do you think this will do to Bruse? Having a fagot son the media will eat it alive. You are so selfish!" Jason yelled soon we started screaming insults back and forth which soon turned into us fighting on the ground. We only stopped fighting when Tim splashed a bucket of water on us both now being bloody and bruised.

Aiden was gone by the time I had stopped fighting with Jason never to be heard from again. It really saddened me, I wasn't really mad that he kissed me. I'm not homophobic but I didn't know if I was into guys. I liked to think that if I ever do have a serious relationship with someone it would be because I really liked them as a person not because of their bodies or reproductive organs.

I really wanted to clear things up between me and Aiden. Even though he had kissed me I still wanted to be his friend. I also wanted Jason to be the same as he was before he found the two of us. But not long after the event, Jason left to travel around with the Outlaws. Our relationship hadn't been the same since then and it really upset me.

Shaking my head to rid my mind of depressing memories. I smiled slightly realizing I was only a few blocks from where I was meeting Jenny. It will be nice to release and have a little fun after that torturous dinner with my family.

Hey,  guys, I know it's still early in the story but feel free to comment about stuff you would like to see happen. (↑ω↑)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2019 ⏰

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