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*10 months Later*

"Bye guys, we need to hang out! Text me!" I yell walking away from my friends and walking to the bus. Today was the last day of Junior year. I have finally gotten through SAT's, state testing, and finals! I'm done! It feels so, so, so good!

On my way home I think about all the things I want to do this summer. Somehow everything I think about comes back to Shawn. It's summer now and I can spend every second with him.

I walk into the house and I'm the only one here. My mom is still at work and Sammy hasn't gotten home from school yet.

Before I even close the door I see Shawn standing in the hallway with a huge smile on his face. God just seeing him smile makes me smile. "How was the last day of school baby?" He asks with his arms out. I immediately run and jump on him wrapping my legs around his waist.

"It was good, we just watched movies, but now I'm all yours for the whole summer." I say before kissing him. Then I pull back smiling and rest my forehead on his. "But first I need pizza rolls." I whisper.

Shawn immediately laughs. "God I love you." I smile and jump down.

"I love you too." I take his hand and run the freezer to get my cheese pizza rolls. I put about 15 on a paper towel  because I know Sam will be home soon and want some.

When they are done I hear Sammy come in. "Gracie?" He yells.

"In the kitchen." I yell back. I try to take the pizza rolls out but it's too hot. I pull my hand back because they burned me.

"I got it." Shawn says and grabs it with no problem. Perks of being dead I guess, you can't get burned.

Shawn sets them on the island and Sammy finally enters. "Hey guys." He comes over and sits on a stool at the island.

"Hey." Me and Shawn say at the same time.

"How was school?" I ask him.

"It was so good! Kenny brought his PS4 and Ms. Allen let us hook it up to the smart board, we played fortnite the whole time. I even won and the whole class was cheering my name. IT WAS INSANE!" He exclaims.

"Seriously, you won again?" Shawn says. He's been playing with Sam but hasn't won in yet and he's been playing for almost a year. He's super jealous every time Sammy wins.

"Yeah man, I'm a god." He Sammy says with full confidence. I roll my eyes and pick up a pizza roll, biting off the corners first. Does anyone else do that, or is it just me?

After I eat Shawn takes my hand and leads me up to my room, giggling. He pulls me into my room and starts to kiss me.

Just so you know me and Shawn haven't  done anything past making out.

He picks me up and sits me on my bed. I knot my fingers in his hair and he puts his hand on my waist. "Okay, okay, let's stop." I say biting my bottom lip, smiling.

"Right." He whispers, backing up and he rubs his neck. "Oh right, I forgot to tell you." He walks over to my computer and I follow him. "So I might have found out where my parents and sister are living." He looks up at me and smiles.

"Really?" He nods and pulls up google earth.

"They are living in Pickering Ontario it's near Toronto."

"They are living in Canada?" I ask.

"Yeah I mean I have cousins who live there, it makes sense." He zooms in on a neighborhood. "I haven't found the house they are living in but I'm close."

"Wait, How did you figure all of this out?" Shawn slowly looks up with a guilty look. "Oh my god, what did you do?"

"I might have made a Instagram account and stalked my family."

"Shawn-" he cuts me off.

"And then I had to log into my old account because some of them were on private."

"Are you serious? Shawn come on!"

"Listen no one will know, I just wanted to know more about them, I'm sorry." He stands up and takes my hands.

I could tell this means a lot to him. Shawn always talks about his family. I want him to be safe, Incase some ghost hunters come a long or something. That was a joke but I just don't want to loose him. "It's fine I just, I'm protective of you, I know I shouldn't be. I'm sorry. You have a right to find out more about your family, I shouldn't stop you from that."

He gives me a light smile. "Thank you." He says under his breathe and I nod.

/// Later that night///

Me and Shawn are sitting on the window seat. He has his arm around me leaning his head on mine. We are listening to John Mayer and Shawn is watching me scroll down Pinterest. My Pinterest is basically Tom Holland and marvel, plus a few outfit inspirations.

"Gracie! Dinners ready!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs. I lock my phone and look up at Shawn who has a pouty lip.

"Don't leave me." He whispers.

"To bad." I put up my hands like a scale. "This is you." I say moving my hand up high. "And this is food." Then but that one up higher. "Food always wins man." I laugh.

"Fine go, but I'll remember that." I get up and kiss his forehead before running downstairs.

"Hey what's for dinner?" I ask sitting down at our dinning room table.

"Chicken and rice." Sammy says rolling his eyes. My moms chicken and rice was disgusting. She is a good cook but me and Sammy hate chicken and rice. We've never told her that though.

"Great." I say with disappointment. Thankfully mom didn't notice.

We ate the gross rice and chicken in silence, for a while. Until my mom started to talk. "So, I have something to tell you guys. Today I got a call from your grandma." She pauses and takes a deep breath, while me and Sammy just stared at her. "She's not doing so well and I think we might have to go back there." My heart sinks at those words and I accidentally drop my fork.

"What do you mean go back there? Like for a week or a month?" I ask her. I'm completely shocked at the moment. I can't leave!

"Like, move down there permanently." She says whispering.She can tell I'm upset and don't want this to happen.

I stand up. I'm now freaking out. I can't leave Shawn. I won't. "What? Mom we just moved here! We can't go back to Florida that's insane! I've built friendships here and I like it here!" I yell at her.

"Gracie, I know this is hard for you but your grandma needs us. She's getting old she can hardly take care of her self."

"I know b-but, what about Uncle Josh?" I point out.

She chuckles for a second but I was completely serious. "Your uncle josh can't take care of a mouse let alone his own mother."


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