" King, no". I cried. "You're going to kill him. Please don't do this".

King looked over his shoulder at me then nodded to one of his men. "Get her out of here. Take her back to my place and don't let her out of your sight".

As the men approached me I begin to scream and swing at them to no avail. Suddenly I felt a pinch to the back of my neck and my body went into a state of relaxation. What happened next, I have no clue.

Several hour's later I awoke on King's couch snuggled up in a blanket. My black wig had been removed and my red hair curled about me. Slowly, I tried to sit up but immediately felt woozy. "Take it easy. The effects will wear off shortly". I heard King say.

His voice was enough to bring me back to the here and now. I recalled what I had witnessed and bolted up. "You killed a man. You kidnapped me. You're crazy".

King only laughed. "Yes, I killed a man who was about to report you to the authorities. There I am again saving your ass. And as I recall, you owe me a debt".

" I told you that I would pay you back". I tried to reason.

King shook his head slowly. "No, no. Thing's have changed. I have other plans for you but first you are going to talk. Tell me who you are? How did you get into this shit you do?"

Finding a smidgen of bravery, I tilted my chin. "I'm not telling you a thing. Now I'm leaving".

That bravery quickly evaporated as a gun was placed against my cheek. I fought to hold my tears back and hide my fear. King only chuckled and begin to stroke my face with the barrel of the gun. "Tell me your real name?"

Hating myself for being weak but also too scared to keep up my tough facade, I talked. "I am truly Frankie Knight" .

"Where are you from"?

" Kentucky. "

"Why are you here and how did you get into all of this".

I felt so naked. Never have I revealed my painful past to anyone and to this day it still hurts to discuss it. "I was a kid of the system. I have no parent's. I filtered from one foster home to the next. When I finally thought that I had been rescued, I was actually being brought into a world of thievery. I was thirteen the first I was forced to steal. It begin as small stuff like clothes, food and such. If I refused to do it I and the other's were beaten. Seemed I was a natural at it and my parent's used this. Soon I was stealing bigger, more expensive thing's, pick pocketing and nabbing purses. At eighteen I broke away and came here. My plan was to make a decent life for myself and leave all of those ways behind me. I landed a job at a casino and was scrapping by on little pay but I was happy. Then I spotted this lady that hung around in the casino's. I watched her closely and learned the game she ran. Life was getting harder and bill's higher so I tried it. After that I couldn't stop. Each job would be my last but I only lied to myself." .

King stopped me and called one of his men in. "Run a background check on Frankie Knight". The man nodded and left.

" let's hope you aren't lying ". He retorted.

" I'm not". I spat.

"How much money have you accumulated?"

" Millions".

His eye's widened in surprise so I continued. "I eventually left the casino's and targeted charity events, gallery's and places that was guaranteed to be loaded with rich men. I'd cozy up to them, make them fall for me and after a few month's Rob them blind".

" So your nothing more than a call girl or hooker". He growled.

"I never slept with any of them. I might be many thing's but I'm no whore". I hissed.

" and these men were okay with that? I don't believe it". He snorted.

"It's true. Most were older men that was just glad to have a young girl as company" .

"What about me? Was I scoped out by you?"

" Not at all. The night I met you I was running. I had just robbed Tony but was caught by security. I ducked into that club and ditched my wig. I saw them enter so I latched on to you as a cover up. I had never laid eye's on you before".

"Yet, you continued to come around. Just like you did the other men?" King accused .

"I know how it looks and I can't make you believe me but you was never a target for me. At one time I really liked you, maybe even cared for you but you treated me like garbage. The birthday party was the last straw. I couldn't keep getting hurt over your outbursts and waiting for something that would never happen. I was angry and upset and wanted to hurt you like you hurt me so I robbed you for revenge".

" At one time? As opposed to now? " he asked.

I shook my head. "Not any more. A person can only take so much before their feelings start to die. I wanted they day to be special for you. I took so much time and care to make it perfect only for you to hate it, overlook my effort and feelings. I never wanted to see you again. I still don't" . I said with anger.

A flash of rage swirled across his face. "Good. Because you never meant anything to me at all. Most of the time you was a annoyance. Just someone to satisfy my needs. I used you. Hell, I'm not even attracted to red heads."

His word's made me flinch but I refused to let him see how he could and still did hurt me. "Now here's what I want from you. This is how you will pay your debt off. There's a man by the name of Shaw Billings" .

"The guy who owns several casino's?" I questioned.

" that's the one. He has some land that I want but he refuses to sell. You're going to accidentally bump into him and weave him into your snare. Once he is smitten with you, you will grab that feed for me".

"No, I want". I proclaimed.

Too many time's I have been forced to steal and I hated it. King placed his gun back on my cheek. "Yes, you will. After you pull this off I will call it even".

" but I've heard that he is a dangerous man? " I stated.

"Yes, but so am I. Relax, I'll keep you safe and always be close by. I'll arrange the meet up and get back to you soon. In the mean time you will remain here but this time my doors will be guarded. You're far too important my little secret weapon".

I didn't like this one but but what could I do? As he retreated to his office he turned back around. "By the way, you won't need to go to court. I've taken care of your little run in with the law. Won't even be on your record. Perhaps a thank you is in order".

" I hate you". Slipped out last my lips instead.

King's body tensed and his face was unreadable. I turned away from him and heard his office door slam.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now