"Okay, well here's my number call if you need anything. Bye girls. It was nice meeting you Grace," she said before walking off.

"It was nice meeting you too, Mrs.Brown," I said before holding the door open for the girls to shuffle in.

"So you were watching the show?" I heard Millie ask from the living room.

"Yeah I was actually, just wanted to see the show," I said.

"Well I hope you're enjoying it so far," she said kind of shyly.

"Oh I am, your character is so badass," I said which made her chuckle.


The girls and I had fun after eating some salads and just watching some movies. Millie had asked about the whole situation with Dacre which I explained willingly this time.

"Awe you're so having his babies," Millie beamed.

"SEE I TOLD YOU! I SO TOLD YOU THAT YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE HIS BABIES," Sadie screamed while jumping up and down. Which just caused Millie and I to laugh until we cried, and before we knew it Katie was busting up in my apartment screaming.

"COME ON GRACE, GET YOUR ASS UP  I HAVE TO MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE A DAMN GODDESS WITH A TWO HOUR LIMIT," She said while she dashed to my room with a makeup bag. The girls and followed Katie to my room.


When Katie was done I looked really did look like a goddess with my face looking like it was done by a professional,and my hair done into long beach waves. I had to get dressed quickly because it was ten until five, and Dacre had texted saying he was on his way.

When I got ready I felt like perfection, and all the girls confirmed that I did when we heard a knock at the door. I started panicking.

"Oh my God, Oh my God. He's here I can't open the door," I freaked.

"Don't worry we got this," Sadie and Millie basically said in unison.

"Don't worry Grace, you got this. You're the most badass bitch I have ever met," Katie reassured me which calmed my nerves a lot, and that's when I heard his voice.

"Hey Sadie and Millie, Grace ready yet?" he asked politely.

"Oh yes she is," Millie said before swinging the door wide to reveal me walking up. My jaw basically dropped.

He was wearing some regular black skinny jeans which showed off his calf muscles and a light blue button down t-shirt with the top four buttons unbuttoned. God he looked so sexy.

"Hi," while looking down and blushing.

"Hey baby, you ready to go, we kind of have reservations in thirty minutes?" he asked while reaching for my hand. But right before I walked out Katie gave me a smack on the ass then a good luck smile.

Dacre led me to a black 2017 Mustang Oh my God could he get any sexier. The answer was yes.

"After you m'lady," Dacre said breaking me from my thoughts while opening the passenger door open for me.

"Thanks," I said offering me a small smile which made him chuckle.

"So where's out reservation?" I asked looking out the window.

"Chili's. I love there cheeseburgers,"He sheepishly said.

"Me too," I agreed.

Dacre reached over for my hand knowing it was a way to get my attention.

"I didn't get to tell yoh back there, but you look so fucking gorgeous, baby,"

"Thanks you don't look so bad yourself there, hottie," I said winking which made him blush.

"I made you blush," I teased.

"Oh just be quiet. And come eat with me," he said.

Dinner with Dacre was amazing. He and I had so much in common, but we also didn't have a lot in common so we were able to teach each other interesting things.

"Oh my God this is so exciting I've been dying to watch this movie," I beamed.

"Well since this movie is about people dying. I don't think it's a good thing to joke about dying," Dacre joked.

"Haha very funny," I said sarcastically as we found some seats.

Dacre was right my hands never stopped squeezing his arm,and my head kept ducking down into the crook of his neck which always made him laugh, but at the same time his hand never left my thigh.


On the way back to my apartment Dacre never stopped making fun of me which constantly kept making me also his arm playfully. Then we pulled up to the apartment. Which surprisingly made me sigh sadly.

"Hey don't worry, I'll take you out again," he said while squeezing my hand reassuringly.

"Okay," I said nodding.

All we could do was laugh on the way to my door, but Dacre stopped me when we got there.

"Hey wait," Dacre said grabbing my waist. All I could do was look at his lips. He got the message, and instantly kissed me sending electricity through my body. We kissed for a long time before he pulled away.

"God I don't wanna leave but I kind of have to. I'll call you tomorrow," he said before giving me a peck on the lips and walking away.

"Okay hottie, " I said before slipping into the door with all three girls looking at me intently before making kissing sounds and smooching their hands together.

"Oh shut up," I said rolling my eyes and walking toward the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

After Katie was on my bed telling me to give her the details and I did before she squeaked hugged me and left.

I changed and plopped in bed and fell asleep not even giving it a second thought.

Found Love/ Dacre MontgomeryWhere stories live. Discover now