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When Ethan enters his dorm room suitcase in his right hand and his phone the other hand he barely noticed the naked Grayson and a very naked girl riding him. She quickly covers herself and Ethan drops everything covering his eyes with both hands frozen to the ground.

"Get out" He gets pushed out of the door and his hands leave his eyes and he wishes they didn't, he sees Grayson naked and holding his phone his cheeks flushed red "Here go to Noah or someone" He shuts the door and a few seconds later he can hear faint moans he frowns and a sudden urge of anger pulses through his veins, he wants to go there and sit on his bed but he has zero energy to fight.

He walks down to Noah and Lances walking in "You never what i just walked in o-" He stops talking seeing a red head girl sat on Lances bed holding hands with him, she smiles at him and gives Ethan a small smile he walks slowly over to Noah who's texting on his phone when he feels the bed dip he looks up and notices Ethan.

"Oh hey E" He smiles looking back at his phone

"Who's the girl?" He whispers and she seems to hear it

"I'm Charlotte" He nods

"Ethan" He replies and she makes a face recognising his name.

"Ethan Grant?" She questions him he just nods

"I'm sorry have we met?" He leans forwards resting his elbows on his knees.

"No you've met my friend though, she says you're a womaniser" She smirks a little and thinks about all the girls Ethan has hooked up with during the break but there were too mnay for specifics.

"It's gonna sound bad but you'll have to be more specific" She just chuckles

"I also heard you share a room with her brother" Ethan snaps his finger remembering who it was

"Jessica?" She just nods "Yeah i remember her she was a great fu-" He stops himself from saying more realising how bad he sounds

"Great fuck? She said you were amazing apparently ladies and gentlemans man" She chuckles and Ethans cheeks go red slightly.

"Great" Ethan leans back and onto Noah's lap, who still is paying attention to him. Ethans hands make their way into his hair playing with the curly strands, but stops when he hears chanting in the hallway he stands up and so does everyone else, he opens the door to see all of his friends chanting Ethans name knocking on his door.

"Holden? What are you doing here?" Ethan shouts down the hall his friends see him and all cheer running up to him doing exactly what they did last time.

"Where are here to save you" They chuckle all giving Ethan a bro hug and saying 'hi' to his other friends.

"What? Come in here Graysons busy" They all walk into Lance and Noah's room invading their beds all laughing

"Holden, Chase, James, brody this is Noah, Lance and Charlotte lances girlfriend. Noah, Lance and Charlotte these are my best friends Holden, Chase, James and Brody" He introduces them to each other they all shake hands and say hey

"So why are you here?" Ethan sits next to Holden slapping his shoulder.

"We are here for two reasons, one we are playing against you tomorrow and two, we're gonna meet your boyfriend" Ethan furrows his eyebrows

"Boyfriend?" Ethan questions

"Yes you're roommate the one who you fucked in your car on christmas day" They explain and Ethans cheeks go red and he gasps

"How the fuck did you know that?" Ethan stands up and sees all his friends holding smirks and looking at chase.

"Well i saw your new car and i was coming over to say hi when i saw the two of you doing it, then he got off you and i recognised him and walked away straight after that" Chase laughs at the end and Ethans cheeks probably got a whole lot redder and his palms are sweaty.

"He's not my boyfriend" Ethan clears the question

"Well whatever he is, we want to meet him and see if he's good enough for our etee" Holden smiles and Ethans heart warms slightly, they care about his happiness.

"So how come you never came out?"James' husky voice speaks and Ethan looks over to him.

"Because i didn't know i was gay" Ethan stands up and shrugs his varsity jacket on and urges everyone to follow him outside, They sit on one of the benches and Ethan pulls out a cigarette holding it between his lips offering everyone, only Chase and Brody taking one.

"And since when do you smoke?" Chase grumbles lighting his cigarette.

"Since i started college stress reliever" They all nod he takes a drag and breathes it out away from the others.

"So when do we meet this Greg" James chuckles

"Apparently now" Ethan stands up walking over to a raging Grayson, his fists grab Ethans shirt and gets real close, He can feel all the boys eyeing Grayson down and Chase walks behind him shadowing Graysons face he looks up to see Chase.

"Let go of him man, not cool" Chase growls and Grayson lets go of Ethans shirt and he steps back

"Next time knock or something i don't need you to constantly keep walking on me and my girlfriend" The word hits Ethan like a brick, or a car at full speed his small smirk drops and his heart stops for a minute. He knew whatever felt for Grayson wouldn't be reciprocated he just didn't want to believe it he had the smallest bit of hope left and it's gone, turned to dust and Ethan turns back into himself.

"Put a fucking tie on the handle or better yet lock it i know its hard for you to do that but maybe i'll stop walking in on your current conquest" Ethan spits throwing his cigarette on the floor and spitting the dry nicotine taste out of his mouth. "I thought you would finally learn to do something right in your life obviously not" Graysons face alters

"Fuck you Ethan" Grayson growls

"Not any more cunt" Ethan walks away and he can feels tears starting to prick his eyes but he holds them back, he feels all four presences following him onto the football field.

He grabs a spare ball and launches it down the field, he's doing his best keeping his tears in and not letting them fall that was until he felt two arms hold him tight thats when he finally breaks.

"He's an asshole" Ethan mumbles and he cries harder when his friends join him and chase hugging him from all directions

"Yes he is" They sigh sadly

"He's not good enough for your love E you deserve better" James voice soft compared to what it normally is rough and hoarse.

"We're always here for you E we're just a phone call away" Brody smiles

"I know" Ethan smiles.

"He's a dick" Holden mumbles

"Grayson Dolan is a fucking asshole"


Word count: 1179

you're the fear, I don't care

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you're the fear, I don't care

'cause I've never been so high

follow me to the dark


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