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"Move over this is a double bed" Grayson pushes Ethan over

"Stop pushing me asshole" Ethan spits back slapping his hands off his back

"Touch me one more time and you won't see the light of day" Grayson just chuckles

"I'd like to see you try and fucking stop me" Ethan turns around facing Grayson

"Bite me" Ethan flips Grayson off and dramatically flipping over

"I mean if you want me to" The next thing Ethan knows is Graysons teeth clamping on his shoulder

"Ow you fucker why did you do that?" Ethan asks rubbing his shoulder

"You fucking told me too" Grayson smirks, he knows what he's doing and he's doing it just to piss Ethan off.

"I didn't want you to do it" Ethan exclaims his voice high

"You fucking said 'bite me'" Ethan rolls his eyes punching Grayson in the shoulder

"I swear to fucking god if you two don't shut up i'm going to come over there and punch you both, Ethan move a bit and Grayson stop biting Ethan now sleep" They both roll their eyes at Ellie and proceed to do what she says.

"Whatever" Ethan mumbles under his breath.


"Considering you two were going to rip each others throat out you seem to like each other when your sleeping" Ellie smiles at the both of them as they open their eyes looking confused, they look at each other and the way they're positioned Ethan was lay on Graysons chest and their hands were connected and Graysons other hand was securely wrapped around Ethans shoulders keeping him close, They scramble away from each other she just chuckles sitting back on Ethans bed.

Grayson checks his phone and smiles standing up and changing quickly "I'm going bye" He slams the door shut leaving Ethan in his bed and Ellie confused.

"Is he always like that?" She asks him

"Sometimes, other times he stays in here just to piss me off" Ethan stands up shrugging on his green gnome hoodie and some sweats. "I'm just going out for like two seconds want to come?" Ethan asks her pulling out a lighter and his box of cigarettes.

"Sure but since when do you smoke?" They walk out of the door Ethan locking it before leaving something Grayson doesn't do.

"Since like two weeks ago" Ethan puts the cigarettes in his mouth lighting it and taking a drag.

"He seems nice" Ethan furrows his eyebrows and looks at the direction she looking at he sees Grayson doing the waltz with Ben all of his friends laughing as Ben halfheartedly does it while Grayson over does it.

"Yeah well he's not" Ethan breathes out the smoke as they continue to look at Grayson and now Jake doing the waltz. Grayson looks up and makes eye contact with Ethan and smiles, Ethan turns around rolling his eyes taking another drag, his phone starts ringing and he sees the contact name 'stranger called mom' he answers it putting it on speaker.

"Hey mom whats up?" Ethan answers and Ellie looks at him.

"Have you seen or spoken to Ellie?" She shakes her head rapidly and mouths 'no' over and over again, he sighs knowing his mom is worried.

"No not since i started college" She thanks him and his mom sighs

"Well if you talk to her tell her i wish she would come home" Ethan promises his mom that he would and ends the call, he throws the cigarette butt on the floor and stamps on it.

"You go home in 3 days and then you owe me" She just smiles and walks with him back into the apartment.

"I don't see why you can't just go home and tell her" Ethan unlocks the door and they walk in she just sighs

"She'll kill me E" She walks over to Ethans bed and lays down next to Ethan

"No she won't you're her favourite" Ethan stares at the ceiling

"No i am not" Ellie shoves his shoulder

"You 100 percent are El remember that one time when you came home in a police car for being caught in the abandoned science park and she never told you off for it, but then i get caught a few days later and she grounds my ass for three weeks?" They both laugh at the memory.

Ellie and her friends went to the abandoned science park getting drunk and high when the police caught them and gave them a warning, she then told Ethan about it and a few days later Ethan and all his jock friends went there and they all got caught and when Ethan came home in handcuffs his mom wouldn't stop screaming at him for setting a 'bad example' for Ellie and grounded him for 3 weeks after that.

"Okay you got me i am the favourite but she's proud of you E" Ethan just nods smiling

"I know she tells me all the time" Ellie smiles and sits up, they continue to talk about how she always got away with stuff when a drunk Grayson stumbled through the door falling on his face, Ethan gets up and helps him to his feet and notices the black beanie on his head which was not there a few hours ago.

"Who's that beanie?" Ethan goes to take it off when his wrist is grabbed and pulled back

"Mine and don't touch it" Grayson growls removing himself from Ethan

"Why?" Ethan goes to take it off when he moves quickly what he wasn't expecting was for Ellie to snatch it off his head. Their jaws go slaw and Ethans laugh is heard loudly in the room.

"What the" He laughs even harder Grayson rolls his eyes clicking his knuckles "You're blond" He wheezes hands slapping his legs

"It was dare okay?" Grayson looks down defeatedly

"I like it" Ethan says through his laughing

"I didn't ask for your opinion" Grayson snaps and lays on his bed

"Of course you didn't but i'm still going to say it" Ethan walks over to Graysons bed and looks at the time "It's only 5 and you're drunk?" Grayson hums falling asleep on his bed, he 'sh's Ethan and waves his hand.

"Yeah yeah" He mumbles snores pouring out of his mouth seconds later.


Word count: 1043

what i need for keeps this silly game we play

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what i need for keeps this silly game we play

madness to magnet it's attracting me


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