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When Ethan arrives at the game Lance practically screams of excitement fianlly happy that Noah convinced him to go with him, who he didn't expect to be there sitting next to Noah and Ethan's seat was Ben.

"I though you were playing?" Ethan looked at Ben who just nodded

"I was but then something happened and i couldn't play so i came to watch instead" Ben explains and Ethan shivers wind picking up making it cold, Ben seems to notice and sighs "Have my coat i'm not cold" Ben takes his varsity jacket off and places it over Ethans shoulder much to his protest he thanks him anyway and the sound of a buzzer makes him jump slightly.

He watches everyone run out onto the field and he feels nerve and excitement form in his stomach and he hates himself, for missing this, why he didn't take it up as soons as they started the year he doesn't know but now he's kicking himself, because he could be out there now playing and doing something that makes him happy instead of sitting here freezing his tits off.

"Ben?" Ethan whispers "Does coach need new players?" Ben furrows his eyebrows

"Yeah why? thinking of trying out?" Ben looks back smiling at Ethan

"Maybe" Cheering blasts through the stadium as the game begins, he watches players throw the ball between each other and towards number 47.

"Which ones Grayson?" Ethan asks Ben and he smirks

"47" Just as he said that Grayson scores a try and the stadium erupts into screams, cheers and popcorn flying everywhere, Ethan stands up cheering as well and as if Ethans cheer was the only one heard throughout the hundred of people, Grayson looks up immediately making eye contact with Ethan and starts to smile Ethan smiles back but stops when Graysons eyes land on Ben's jacket and his smile disappears from his face and he turns around running back to position. Ethan frowns sitting down and hugs the varsity jacket tighter trying to keep warm as the wind blows cold and brisk.

The stand erupts in boos as someone is tackled to the ground so hard Ethan swore that the world shook for a second, he stood up with everyone else to see who it was. It wasn't until the person got up and took his helmet off that Ethan knew who it was. Uneasiness settled in his stomach and he sat down after Ben basically dragged him down, he clicked his knuckles and rested them -on his knees.

"Why are you so shaky?" Ben turns to Ethan, who lets out a long breath

"Games, get me nervous especially when i'm not playing" Ethan continues to watch the game

"What?" Ben asks but Ethan doesn't answer he just continues to watch Grayson on the field.

"Ethan used to play in high school and he was captain" Noah explains simply to Ben who just makes an o shaped face and smiles.

"That's why you asked if coach needed players" Ben smiles and stands up cheering Grayson on as he runs down the field an attacker right behind him until...


Ethan tosses and turns wanting to rip his hair out, the dorm corridors filled with music, teenagers and alcohol. It happens after every game they go to the captains dorm building and parties, it's a horrible tradition and he now wishes he had sucked it up and changed rooms.

The door opens and closes and Ethan turns around going to tell them to piss off but stops when he sees Grayson limping over to his bed 'shhing' him while he's half asleep.

"You're back early" Ethan mutters he hears him taking off his gear and shoving it on his bed.

"too tired to party up all night" He feels his cover being lifted and uninvited warmth invading his bare back, he reeks of alcohol so he's definitely drunk.

"Grayson get off my bed" Ethan moans trying to push back on Graysons chest to push him off but Grayson just throws his arms over his waist and tangles their legs together.

"Shh sleepy time" Grayson pats Ethans hair while snuggling his face into Ethans neck, his breath hitting the back of his neck.

"Grayson" Ethan grits his teeth not wanting to cuddle with him

"Shut up and sleep" His voice was groggy but soft making Ethan shut his mouth and melt into Graysons body. His heat was intense it made Ethan feel loved? wanted? he doesn't know, he lets his eyes close and leans more
into Grayson who tightens his grip on Ethan, with that they both fall asleep.

Word count: 767

***Word count: 767

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