Chapter 6 - November 2004

Start from the beginning

"I'm Evelyn Harper. We have Computing together," Evie offered her hand for a shake, feeling slightly awkward. Her mum was right; boys are weird.

 "I didn't know you were taking physics. You're not in my class," Michael mused.

Now that she was in her third year at the academy, school had changed quite a bit for Evelyn. Gone were the days of one class sticking together for every subject. At the end of their previous school year, every pupil was allowed to choose the subjects that they'd prefer to take. They were split into categories to avoid anyone dodging the classes they may find boring, as well as some subjects like English and maths being mandatory.

"I'm not . . ."

"Chemistry?" One of the other kids piped in.

"No . . . I'm doing General Science," Evie didn't see how this was relevant but answered honestly anyway, like she always did.

General Science was what was recommended to students who weren't particularly gifted in physics, chemistry or biology. Instead, their class would basically give them a crash course in each of the respective subjects. Evie had been devastated when she was told that she couldn't take physics to study the planets but she did accept that there was no point in putting her in a class that she would struggle to keep up in.

The entire room of six began laughing as one.

"General science?" Michael laughed so close to her face that she could feel his breath on her.

"It's not that bad," She defended.

"How are you supposed to do anything here if you can't even do basic science?" Yet another club member snorted.

"I can do basic science! And besides I know tonnes about space anyway. Just because I don't quite understand everything, doesn't mean I can't join!"

"Do you know what the names are of any of Jupiter's moons?" Michael tested. She thought a moment before answering.

"Not many off the top of my head. . . I know Europa . . ." She answered embarrassed.

"Do you know the distance between the sun and the Earth?" He pressed her.

"No . . . but isn't that the point? Maybe you can teach me these things! I'm just here to have fun and to learn. I don't want to get in the way."

"Well you will! This is a place for serious scientific discussion! Not to look at the pretty lights. Why don't you go home and watch the discovery channel?" Michael barked, drawing laughter from the rest of the group.

Evelyn's head dropped, realising that she'd made a big mistake coming here.

"Evelyn!" A surprisingly excited voice cried from the doorway. She hadn't even noticed anyone come in.

She turned and saw her science teacher from first year, Mr. Smith. He had been a great teacher, with Mike, Joe and Evie all loving him.

"Hi Mr. Smith," She tried to smile at the old man who seriously looked too old to still be teaching.

"Are you here to join our astronomy club? I think you'd be a great addition!" He said, spreading his arms as if he was about to hug her.

She took another look at the disapproving faces of the club members before answering.

"No I was just looking for Miss Redfearn. I left a book in class earlier."

"Oh I was just speaking with her. She's just down the hall. If you're quick you'll catch her before she goes home!" He replied, not hiding his disappointment.

"Thanks," She smiled, making her way to the freedom of the hallway.

"If you ever change your mind, this door is always open!" Mr. Smith Called. She smiled as best she could but didn't answer. She knew she was never going to change her mind.

As soon as she left the classroom, Evie ran outside, trying to keep it together. Anyone who had stayed after school for the fight had obviously gone home as the school grounds were more vacant than the science class.

The rain began to slowly trickle from the skies as Evie walked home; making sure to take the back path that was surrounded by trees so that no passing people or motorists on the main road would see her tears.

This was officially the worst birthday ever.


I actually got really sad writing the end of this chapter . . . so much feels!

Anyway, I wanted to use this chapter to tackle a few of the tropes I see in a lot of stories that I didn't realise annoyed me until now.

Firstly, particularly in school settings, why is there no two kids with the same name?! Seriously in one of my classes we had five Sarah's! I get that it's probably mostly so people don't get confused so I figured I'd use it now while it's just one scene. Don't worry, we're not going to see this asshole again!

Second! The nerds can be dicks too! This is something that I've literally never seen in a story before but I know for a fact that it happens. If people get made fun of for being smart, then people also get made fun of for not being smart. Get it?

Anyway I totally banged this chapter out as quick as I could because it was planned in so much detail. But its midnight and I'm tired so if you spot any spelling/grammar errors then let me know and I'll fix them!

Peace out!

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