Chapter 6 - November 2004

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"Why? So you can stare at her for eternity again?" Joe sighed tiredly.

"Dude, you know she's one of my dream girls!" Mike cried in frustration. Why wouldn't Joe understand?

"Yeah and neither Stacy or Avril Lavigne are going to make the first move ok! Sooner or later you're gonna have to say something. Geography is the perfect chance three times a week and you're never taking it!" Joe laughed.

"Alright Romeo that's enough from you. When are you going to ask Lauren out?"

"When the time is right," Joe lied. He was never going to do it.

"What's up wankers!" Boomed a voice behind them as soon as their turn to go through the door came.

"Hey Danny," They both groaned.

Though Scott Garden no longer bothered them, it seemed they had just swapped one bully for another in Danny Taylor.

"You going to watch the fight?" He asked them.


"Your hair sucks, Ashford." Danny commented.

"Well that was unprovoked," Mike whispered under his breath before booming louder "My hair is exactly the same as yours!"

All the cool kids seemed to have the same hair style of only using hair gel to spike up their fringes, whilst leaving the rest untouched.

"Yeah but I pull it off," Danny said smugly. "And you look like a row of cactuses," He now pointed at Joe.

"Cacti," Joe corrected.

"Shut up, fat Sonic," Danny snapped before barging past them taking prime position to watch the upcoming fight.

"Oh yeah . . . well Sonic is fast . . . so who's the real loser!" Joe yelled at him after he was long gone.

Little did Danny know that in the end it would be the kids that he bullied who would have the last laugh when he was sent to prison eight years later.Without this knowledge yet though, the boys settled in to watch the fight.

Nobody won.


Evelyn bounded along the hallway to classroom 309 and excitedly knocked on the door and opened it. The school newsletter had stated that anyone could join the club but she still felt slightly out of place. She wasn't a part of any other school clubs so she didn't have a clue what to expect.

 The first thing that she noticed was that this was the emptiest she'd ever seen the classroom, including when she was early to class. The next she realised was that she was the only girl. Great.

Although she was used to dealing with Michael and Joe, she didn't have any sort of relationship with any other boy at school. Though she didn't have many female friends, she did have a small circle. Now however, she was completely isolated.

"What are you doing here?" A boy asked her after cautiously approaching.

This skinny kid with a shaved head and spots all over his face was Michael Murphy. A genius from her Computing class. He was one of those people who knew everything about everything.

"I came to join the astronomy club!" She beamed, her dimples rising so high they almost met her eyes.

"You?"He asked sceptically.

"Yeah!" She grinned. "I love space. The planets, moon, stars . . . everything! I thought it would be fun."

The boy didn't say anything, instead looking around at the other science students in the classroom.

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