"We are all really sorry. Like genuinely sorry. You're an amazing person Madison. You didn't deserve all of that hate." One voice says. I sniffle and sit up.

"Thank you guys. It means a lot." I give a small smile.

I feel people come hug me. I smile and just let it happen.

"So are you really going to go?" Jack J asks. I nod and he grabs my hand.

"Mikey isn't really being nice on the subject and I can't run to him every time something happens." I shrug and Jack rubs my hand with his thumb. It's comforting.

"Hey, we're sorry. You can come to us." He smiles. I smile back softly.

"Guys, I'm leaving tomorrow morning." I tell them they all sigh.

"We respect your decision." Shawn smiles sadly. I nod and look at Hayes.

"Guys, could Hayes and I have a minute alone?" I ask. They all leave and close the door.

"Please don't go." He croaks. My heart instantly breaks.

"Hayes," He walks over to me. I put my hand on his cheek and caress it with my thumb. "I need to. I can't come here every time my life goes to shit."

"I know but I still don't want you to go." He says sadly. I take my hand and put it in his hair as he lays his head in my lap.

"It will be okay. You'll still see me." I smile down at him. He nods and closes his eyes.
"We have the whole day with nothing planned. Wanna go do something?"

"Yeah sure." He smiles. I hear my door open. I see Mikey and Bryce. I don't know why Bryce is with him but okay.

"What Mikey? Come to say more hurtful things?" I harshly ask. In my defense, he deserved it.

"No, I came to apologize. I brought Bryce so you wouldn't kill me." He responds.

"Fine, you are forgiven. Now go away." I tell him. He sighs and leaves.

"Let's go get some ice cream?" I ask Hayes. He smiles and nods. I get up and get dressed in the bathroom and Hayes leaves to get some clothes and change.

Skip getting ready

"I'm ready." Hayes walls in. I'm laying on the bed on my phone.

"Me too. Let's go." I smile and take his hand. He grabs his keys and we get in his car and leave.

"Madison, what would you like?" He asks as we pull up to Baskin Robins.

"Mmmm, can I have 3 scoops of mint chocolate chip?" I ask him. He nods and kisses my cheek. I giggle and find us a place to sit while he orders for us.

"Oh my gosh you're Madison Barone!" A girl exclaims as she runs up to me with her friends.

"Yes I am." I smile and look at them. They look like very nice girls.

"Can we have a picture with you? We've been wanting to meet you for so long!" The girls smile. I take pictures with them and Hayes walks over.

They ask him for pictures to. He takes some with them and another girl looks at me.

"You should start doing meet and greets or shows. People would go because they love you." The girl tells me. I hug her and she scurries
off to her friends.

"Woah, those girls were so amazing. I love fans." I tell Hayes as I take a bite of my ice cream.

"Yeah they were." He looks in my eyes. Before long he just leans in and kisses me.

I'm surprised he did this in public but I kiss back.

"That will be everywhere." I tell him. He laughs.

"So what? I want them to know." He smirks and kisses me again.

"Hayes we should get going back." I tell him while I pull away. He nods and grabs my hand as we walk to the car.

"I think I'll leave tonight Hayes." I tell him. He groans.

"Then you're spending allllll day with me." He smirks once again. I nod and we drive back to Mikey's.

When we get there he pulls me up to my room. He closes he door and locks it.

"You're trapped." He smiles and walks towards me.

"Dang. I wanted to spend the day with Bryce." I smirk. He frowns and grabs my waist.

"Take that back." He smiles. I shake my head no. He tickles me.

"Say Hayes is the best and I love him so much." He demands as the tickles me.

"Hayes is the best and I love him so much." I say between laughs.

He leans down and kisses me.

"Okay let's watch some movies." I smile and he turns on Netflix.


1362 words


Brennen's best friend// Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now