Ch. 1

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Chapter 1: So it begins...
??? Pov

"I can't believe moms making us do this" my brother muttered angrily. I nodded with agreement. We were near identical as we sat beside each other, unhappy as the car pulled up to the campsite.

"Rin. Sakura. I want you to be nice to Joe" mom sternly Said.

"Why? He isn't family" we both said.

"He will be" she sighed. My eyes narrowed dangerously.

"That man will never be our father!" I snapped angrily. Mom turned to give us a look, but we just unlocked the door and got out. Mom followed. She got our bags, one each, and we walked to a councillor. Mom and him spoke before mom nudged us.

"I'll be going now. Have fun you two, I love you" mom said, kissing our heads.

"Bye mom! Love you too" we both replied, sighing softly. We're angry at her, but she's our mom and we love her. She smiled and left, so we went with the councillor.

"Joe?" He called. A tall boy with black hair and glasses. I wanted to groan. He was afraid. He's gonna one of those guys. "This is Rin and Sakura"

"O-oh, my new cousins, it's nice to meet you both!" Joe greeted us.

"Likewise" we lied. The councillor left us with Joe, who led us to our cabin. Just as we were climbing the stairs to the cabin, the furthest one from the main camp, familiar little dots fell from the sky.

"What the...?" Joe questioned.

"It's snowing!" We exclaimed. Then it began full of blizzarding, a horrible snow storm.

"Hurry!" Joe said. We ran to the cabin.

"This way!" Came a call from one boy. We all ran inside and I exhaled in relief. Everyone waited for awhile.

"It's finally stopped" Rin and I said as it quieted.

"Needless to say, the canoe races are canceled. So let's have toboggan races instead!" Goggles boy said as he went out.

"I'm gonna build the biggest snowman!" The boy our age exclaimed.

"Hey, T.K! Be careful. Slow down!" His brother followed.

"Brrr! It is freezing. And I didn't bring a jacket" tomboy said.

"Man! I was worried I'd catch a summer cold. But this is even worse!" Joe exclaimed.

"Ahh! Wow! Why didn't I pack my fluffy pink snow boots?" Girly girl gasped happily.

"This isn't right" I stated.

"I know, right?" Rin muttered. The the sky lit up and we openly gaped.

"Hey, what's your name.... Izzy! Come on out here, you gotta see this!" Goggles called.

"It's beautiful. Magical even" girly girl said as Izzy Came out.

"Yeah" goggles said.

"Yeah, but what is it?" Izzy asked.

"Maybe an aurora?" My twin and I offered. It had to be!

"You mean Aurora Borealis? The northern lights? That's impossible. You see that's in Alaska. We're way too far south" Izzy dismissed. We glared at him.

"Tell that to the snow" tomboy replied.

"I really think we ought to get back inside before we all come down with pneumonia" Joe said.

"I've had it before" I said, making Joe's eyes widen. I smirked at his worry.

"And miss this? The sky is like, short-circuiting!" T.K's brother said.

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